forty five ♡

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After helping me clean my face and make sure no serious damage was done, Alice has to leave to pick up Betty and Jughead, so I ask her to drop me off at the Southside, since she's going to be there anyway. After arguing with her for ten minutes straight about it, she finally gives in, agreeing to drop me off at the Wyrm, where Toni's shift starts in five minutes.

I grab my handbag and makeup bag, doing my makeup quickly to attempt to cover my hideous bruises, which fails miserably because every time I apply any product, my face stings. I'm finally satisfied enough with the results as we collect Betty from school, her climbing into the backseat.

"Seatbelt, Elizabeth." Alice says, as her daughter rolls her eyes.

"Hey, Mom." Betty rolls her eyes, buckling her seatbelt. "Hey, Via. What happened today? Are you okay?"

"Some rude cow was getting brave so we got into a bit of a fight." I shrug. "I got off with a weeks suspension and a weeks detention, meanwhile, she got off with three weeks suspension, and three weeks detention."

"Don't forget the broken nose." Alice butts in.

"Broken nose?" A suprised Betty asks.

"Possibly." I shrug, looking back to the front, using the small car mirror to apply my nude lip gloss in a darker shade than anything I'd usually wear to cover the bruising and swelling. "She deserved it."


"What the hell happened to you?" Toni asks me the second she sees me, making me groan loudly. "Were you jumped?"

"No." I roll my eyes. "I got into a fight at school. Some girl got really weird and started insulting me and, well, I defended myself."

"You didn't do a very good job." She scoffs.

I blink, tilting my head. "Gee, thanks."

"No, but seriously did you get a couple of hits in at least?" She asks, wiping a glass clean.

"A few. Might have even broken her nose." I smile smugly.

"Wow." Toni shakes her head, an amused smile on her face. "Who knew you could fight? You should consider joining the Serpents, you'd fit right in."

"I'm not usually a violent person, but God, that girl just wouldn't quit. And, joining the Serpents would mean bumping into my mother more. No, thank you." I roll my eyes. "Speaking of, it would be nice to be able to celebrate the fact that I'm finally free of my mother." I sigh, giving her my best puppy dog eyes, changing the subject from my fight. "And Sweet Pea spilled the beans about you being able to do tats."

"I am not tattooing you." She refuses straight away. "I don't want to be sued."

I scoff, "You won't be sued. Please."

"Fine." She gives in. "What kind of tattoo do you want?"

"I'm not sure. Can I have some time to think about it?" I ask her.

"Sure." She shrugs. "I'm not doing anything too big, though. Your aunt still doesn't know about the first one, I think she'd send the Black Hood after me if she found out that I took you to get one, never mind gave you one."

Sweet Pea and Fangs walk in not long after, and Toni makes them both a drink, sliding the alcoholic beverages to them as they take a seat at the bar. Are these people ever not drinking?

"What happened?" Fangs asks, looking at my face, shock written all over his face.

I sigh, getting ready to explain for the billionth time today.

"She got into a fight at school." Toni says for me.

Thank you, Toni.

"Damn." He shakes his head, picking up one of the pints of beer. "You're wild, Ol. First you get into a cheerleading accident, now you get into a catfight at school?"

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