ninety three ♡

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It's been weeks since I was dragged kicking and screaming into this hellhole. Each day somehow feels worse than the last. The force-feeding quickly went from once a day, to three times a day. That's three times a day that I'm forced to be humiliated in front of everyone and get fatter and fatter. The first few days, my stomach rejected the food, but now, I'm keeping it all down. Unfortunately.

I've gained four pounds since I got here. Four pounds. A quarter of a stone. I can certainly feel the difference. My stomach feels pudgier.

Paige turns the light on as I prod at my stomach, my eyes staring up at the ceiling. "Rise and shine." She chirps ridiculously cheerily. God, I think I liked her better when she was a bitch. I keep my gaze on the same spot on the ceiling that I've been staring at for hours. "Did you even go to sleep last night?" She asks as the mattress dips near my feet.

"No." I mumble, my voice hoarse.

Paige sighs. "They're just trying to help you get better. Do you want to be this way forever? Constantly thinking about calories and limiting your food?" She questions. "Do you want to hate yourself twenty-four seven?" When I don't reply, she sighs once again. "I know it's not the same thing but the Sisters helped me, and they can help you too."

God, why won't everyone just leave me the fuck alone? I don't need help. If one more person says that I need help, I think I'm going to jump out of a window.

The door squeaks as someone steps into our room. Paige, who I've slowly come to mildly tolerate during my time in this prison, stands up. "Good morning, Sister Agnes." Paige greets while I keep my mouth shut.

"Come on, children. It's time to get dressed." Sister Agnes claps her hands as if we're dogs. "Olivia, Sister Woodhouse has granted you your privileges back, but only if you eat at breakfast."

"That's great! Right, Olivia?" Paige says as I sit up in bed. Why would I want to eat after they've force-fed me every damn day? The look Paige shoots me when Sister Agnes isn't looking at her makes me nod.

Just go along with it, Olivia.

"Thank you, Sister Agnes. You won't regret it." I force a smile on to my lips. Sister Agnes smiles back, closing the door behind her.

Paige glances at the door before walking over and opening our curtains. Oh, how tempting it is to jump out of that damn window. "If you eat without being forced, you can get some fresh air." She says, making me roll my eyes. "Unsupervised." She adds, cocking an eyebrow.

I sit up straight, lowering a brow. "Are you saying-"

"That you can get alone time? Yes." Paige says. "I can finally... show you around."

Is she saying she'll help me escape or am I imagining things? What if she's setting me up? At this point, I'm willing to take the risk. "You'll definitely show me around?"

"Of course." She smiles. "Would I lie to you?" She shakes her head as I cock an eyebrow at her. "Okay, don't answer that. I've changed."

"Okay, okay. I just need some... fresh air."

"You'll get fresh air. Don't worry. You might want to brush your hair though." Paige's lips pull down at the corner as she stares at my scalp. I move my hands to cover my hair self consciously. "You've got a few bald spots showing."


At breakfast, we're sat at the same table as usual. Sister Woodhouse and all the girls have their eyes glued to me, prepared for the usual dramatic scene. You can do this. You can just exercise when you get out. It's one meal.

The pancakes on the plate in front of me stare back at me as I fiddle with the fork in my hand. To eat or not to eat? I'm so hungry. Eating is the only thing that's going to get me out of here. But is it worth it? How many calories are in this?

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