Ch! Maphilindo vs. Aph! Maphilindo

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Ch! Stands for Countryhumans not China

Countryhumans are basically Countryballs but with an anatomy

Maphilindo are all male in this series

Ch! Malaysia: HAH! YOU'RE GAY

Ch! Indonesia: what makes you say that?!

Ch! Malaysia: we fucked last night

Ch! Indonesia: doesn't that make you gay?

Ch! Malaysia: you fucked me first

Ch! Indonesia: what the hell does that even mean?!


Meanwhile Ch! Philippines: they're idiots but I ship them uwu

Aph! Indonesia: hey beautiful

Aph! Malaysia: *looks at her*

Aph! Indonesia: bitch you thought you're beautiful?

Aph! Malaysia: fuck you

Aph! Indonesia: I was talking about myself, ain't that right ugly?

Aph! Malaysia and Aph! Philippines: *looks at her*

Aph! Indonesia: *laughing at herself*

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