Part 3The Keeper's Comeback

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After leaving Paula, I just had the realization that it was already night. Strange. Usually Newt always finds a way to find me and get me to do something.

Around the glade a couple boys were playing around, eating and talking. Just the usual. I looked around to find that Alby and Newt was nowhere around.

Suddenly, I spotted Ben running towards me. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you." Ben asked as he was out of breathe.

As I was about to open my mouth to explain he interrupted and said "Well that doesn't matter now. Alby's expecting you in the homestead."

I rushed towards the homestead with  nervous tremors. It felt weird to be nervous. The best thing to calm my self down was to tell myself, "What could Alby possibly do to me."

I peeked in to see Alby and Newt discussing something. As Newt spotted me, he waved and gestured for me to join them.

I walked in towards them and before letting them say anything, I asked "So... What's wrong?"

Alby and Newt exchanged glances and nodded. "Listen up Minho, we are very concerned about you," Alby confronted.

"We know it's been rough on you the past few days, but we really need you to get on your feet, your team needs you," Alby had finished with his speech.
I finally remembered that the runners had no one commanding.

I looked away from them. It was scary that i know where this was going. I wouldn't want to make my team lost in confusion and I would never ever want to lose my Keeper status.

I made things easier by reminding myself that Paula is safe and sound, taken care of by Clint and Jeff and most importantly she's nowhere near to the maze.

"Hey, Minho please put yourself together. This is not you. This is just pathetic," Newt had his arms folded.

I almost forgot that they were both even here. I don't really know how to respond. I can't let them down now. Newt had a point, this is pathetic.

Without thinking I turned back to them and said "Well guess what, first thing tomorrow morning, I'll be running."

Both Alby and Newt looked please. But I somehow felt like I made a wrong choice. I was still feeling the same things I felt the past few days and this left me with unsureness. Let's just hope I will shucking cooperate with myself.


The next morning I was woken up by Ben shaking me. We both ran to the map room, started preparing and discussing. Afterwards, we got some food from frypan's. Then we waited for the doors to open.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. This seems wrong.

As the doors open, one by one each runner went through. As it was my time, I froze. I literally froze. I was gulping hard. I was scared.

"MINHO? You coming?"

Ben was screaming at me.

"I'm......coming!" I said.

I looked at both the walls and ran.

It was a moment of crazy bravery. The flashbacks started slapping me hard inside. Her words, the screams, the emotions and weakness swirled around my head.

I ran quicker and pushed Ben aside. I took a huge breathe and gasped. "Man you okay?" Ben confusedly asked.

"Yeah. Just a bit hard. Now that I'm here, let's run," I smirked a bit and started running next to Ben.

Today me and Ben were running section 5 together. Alby didn't trust me yet on running alone. He was scared I would lose my mind which I kinda appreciate.

"Ben let's take 5," I ordered.

He just nodded and sat on the ground. I joined him and ate. It felt a little better to be back, but I was still so anxious a griever would come and attack us in mid day.

The whole time eating, me and Ben shared no interactions. I bet he was scared to say something, scared I would go nuts and do something insane. I wouldn't blame him for that.

"Hey have you ever wondered when will we ever get out of here?" I asked to break the ice between me and Ben.

"It's only been a year and the maze's a huge place, so I don't know. Still quite long probably. Why you ask?"
"Nah just asking."
"You wanna continue Minho?" he asked.
"Course why not?"
And we were on our feet running.

As the sun was close to setting, I requested to run back earlier and thankfully Ben agreed.

We of course reached back before anyone else. As we arrived, we were greeted by Alby and a greenie. I didn't realize it had been one month.

"Greenie, This is Minho, Keeper of the runners. The only ones to go out to the maze." Alby explained to the greenie.

He looked very tensed and scared. Normal Greenie traits. Behind his worried expression, he actually looks tough and knightly.

"Greenie, any name you got?" I interrupted Alby's speech.

"Emmmmmm I don't remember....." The Greenie stuttered.

"Don't worry you'll get it in 2 days or less," Alby patted his back.

"Guess I'll leave you both to continue your tour. Welcome to the Glade." I was on pointe on my manners.

I then jogged to the homestead and as usual went to see her. Inside, the med jacks were checking her up. Just the usual. "Minho, you came back," Clint greeted.

"Yeah I'm glad I didn't lose it today," I was somehow happy which was great.

"Glad to have you back Keeper," Jeff smiled and both of them left the room.

I looked at her shaking body. I couldn't imagine the exhaustion she's feeling. I sat by her bed side and took her hand. "Hey..... I know you can't hear me but i missed you and it's been awhile now."

I looked down to realize that she wasn't even here right now. I was just talking to a lifeless figure taken over by dreads.

It was depressing.

Remember me//Maze Runner, Minho FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora