Chapter One

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Life can get twisted

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Life can get twisted.

But in every twist and turn there's a road ahead.

We may not have a say on how we got to the twist,but we do have a say and what happens next.

Feeling the timbre of the music blasting through the amplifiers in the Youth center, Iris let her body connect to the rhythm as she danced to the upbeat gospel music.

Her team had been practicing for months but between her part time job at the Library and School, Iris had been missing out on rehearsals.

Now she that had a break from work and school, she had enough time to pick up the slack. Hip hop has never been her favored dance, but for the Royal choir, she'd do anything for them.

Growing up in New Mexico as the only daughter of Pst. James and Mrs. Chritabel Sawyer, Iris had to share her parents with the rest of the world.

But the Royal choir made sure she never missed them when she had to move across the Atlantic to New York for college.

Her brothers, all three of them have been busy running their family company. James Jr was already happily married to his wife Shelby who Iris absolutely adored. Ian and Matthew, twins who's only resemblance are their features. Same height, same hair, same eyes etcetera. But that's right about it; their passions lay in very different aspects of life.

While Ian was in-love with the family business up in New York; being a lawyer and an Accountant. Boy does he love education. Matt on the other hand spends his existence on the ranch.

Thinking about her family always brought her a kind of peace. She was indeed very blessed if she was being honest, now all she had to do was get her mind back to rehearsals so she brush up her routine before the rest of the gang got there.

'Hey iris!' cheered Chloe as she stepped into the studio already dressed for the rehearsals.

'I see you're still not balanced out on the routine' she observed as Iris tried to come back from memory lane. With a content smile Iris stood on her tippy toes and glided towards Chloe immediately assuming the pose of a Ballerina.

'I'll have you know that the day I lose balance is the day I wind up in a wheel chair', twirling she continued,

'Even at that I'll still be the most gracious of them all!!' she said with such gusto that Chloe gripped her stomach as laughter bubbled out of her.

'Let's hope Miss Parade finds that funny', doing a curtsey she joined Iris as the pranced around the studio in sync laughing their hearts out, with rehearsals completely forgotten.

After rehearsal, late in the evening.....

'I think I'm gonna quit this, my back and legs will thank me for that decision',

'Chloe we've heard this tale after every rehearsal for the past hundred years, can't you give our ears a break' Marcel Russo, the youth center's prime star. Every evening after rehearsals him and Chloe always had a row. Glaring at Marcel, Chloe pulled her bottle of water from Iris' bag to empty it on his head.

'I hear the county is open all night on the weekends', Violet chipped in before Chloe could exert her desire on Marcel,

'What's that got to do with anything?', Ben asked looking as confused as the rest of the gang did.

'So these two can get married and preserve our ear drums for old age!!". Everyone laughed, Marcel groaned while Chloe emptied her bottle of water on Violet.


'You know for someone who claims to be a workaholic, you sure have a lot of time to pester a girl who wants to nap'

'Is that the way to talk to your future husband, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you're right about blowing it up. You missy owe me an apology!'

'Michael" Iris drawled, with a hint of her Mexican accent,

'Mhmmm...that's the voice a man needs to listen to for the rest of his life'

'I know right, I've been telling Mr. Hickles all year round yet he puffs up any time I bring it up. Someone's got to talk some sense into him!'

"I'll be sure to have that conversation with your cat, baby Blue', he responded dryly. For reasons unknown to Iris, Michael hated her cat. But the pet name reserved for her made her heart flutter.

'Alright Micky, remind me when our next couples' class is please, I keep having this feeling I'll forget it'

'Not a chance baby Blue, all those weeks we missed has pushed our available dates by six months'

'You're making it sound like we'll get married the Sunday after our last class, mind you my Dad ain't officiating any weddings on Sunday. So slow your horses and let's take this one step at a time', walking to her window she sipped her drink. Even after a year of engagement, they still had the same argument revolving around her father officiating the wedding.

'Babe you know how I feel about this, can we not fight right now', his voice pleading. 'I really miss you and fighting with you isn't what I want to spend the hour doing with you okay?'

"I'm sorry baby; it's just that this is a non-negotiable clause. I've always wanted my dad to bless my marriage as the Officiating Pastor. I'm sorry it puts you in a spot but that's what I've always wanted', taking on a gentler tone, 'I'll be coming Upstate next weekend, how does that sound?'

'Simply delightful. I love you babe'

'Ensure you attend service tomorrow Micky, you've skipped one too many services than I'm comfortable with'

'Yes ma'am' his voice mocking, responded.

'Or I'll just let Pst. Orlando know that you've actually not been in the last pew as you've been saying', she smiled in triumph at the gasp she heard from the other side of the call

'I'm gonna fire Mona', he grumbled out

'Do that and your marriage dates will be extended by a year, and that's a promise', still examining her nails she waited for her response.

'Fine!! There's no winning with you'

'Glad we have that covered, now good night, I've got to study you know. Things we students do'

'How could I forget!' was his dramatic response, "when I was a student I ensured I studied every other n...'

'Good night Micky!!' she cut the call, smiled at her phone screen and went ahead to study as she said she would.

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