Chapter Twenty-Two

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Turned out Evan had the right wand as three weeks from the day, Iris was walking down the aisle with a beaming Bishop cradling her hand in his arm.

The day had started off too early in Iris opinion, but she couldn't get herself to sleep much; the nerves were eating at her. She was warned about the pre wedding jitters, but nothing prepared her for the elephant parade happening in her stomach.

Her mother had been all too excited when she heard about their proposed marriage date from Evan; when Iris was asked what colors she wanted on her wedding her response was, give me a decent dress, the groom and Daddy that is all I need to know.

Chris nearly keeled over when she said so, Vivian then asked how they were related.

Chloe, she simply asked Chris to ignore her daughter before she sent them all to their early graves.

Evan had stepped in of course and carted Iris away to pick the colors, at least for her bridesmaid dresses.

Finally they settled on burgundy. And Iris had Chloe chose their dress design and ordered them at once with the shoes for them as well.

The whole preparation was a blur as Iris refused to give herself a headache about it.

As she walked down the aisle she couldn't help but smile in appreciation for all that she could see. Then she saw him.

Looking dashing, so much more dashing than he usually did.

A brilliant smile drew her in; the elephant parade immediately came to a halt.

As she came close to him, he reached for her prompting Bishop to hand her over to him.

Once he had his bride in his arms he turned her to now face Bishop who had also taken his position to officiate the wedding.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to honor the union between Iris Mirabelle Sawyer and Evan Nigel Kings.

This has indeed been the day that the lord has made, a match made in heaven.

Through the twists and turns, against all odds we all are here to witness the last Sawyer bird leave the nest.

If there be anyone among us who wishes for this union not to hold, you got about two seconds after I'm done talking to speak up or forever hold your peace. Time's up!

The people in the congregation laughed.

'Do you Iris Mirabelle Sawyer take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for best, for richer and richer, in health at all times, until the rapture of the saints?'

'I do'

'Do you Evan Nigel Kings take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for best, for richer and richer, in health at all times, until the rapture of the saints?'

'I do'

'By the power vested in me by God almighty and the country of Mexico, I now pronounce husband and wife. You now have my permission to kiss the bride!' he added cheekily making everyone present including the bride that had tears in her eyes laugh.

Rings were exchanged although they had a little issue prying them from Travis' hand. As he reluctantly let go of his self-acclaimed new toy, the couple finally put their rings on and sealed their lips over each other's. Making the audience go wild with hoots and cat- calls.

At the reception everyone had a fun time, especially when the Royale choir did a special rendition for the couple.

It was finally time for the couple's first dance. As they swayed gentle to the soft tunes being played, Iris hummed from here to the moon and back by Dolly Parton.

This was one song she totally loved, and now in the arms of the man that she was totally in love with; it made perfect sense that the song came to her mind.

The music changed to something more upbeat to which Mama Becs bid the family a goodnight. Mama Ora and Papa Jose followed immediately afterwards. The reception went on till well into the night.

At a point the people present were just the Sawyer generation 2.0, to which the couple finally bid them good night and headed to the main house to change for their honeymoon trip.


'Can't we do this tomorrow, I'm exhausted', Iris whined as she got comfortable on one of the seats in the jet.

'We could, but then you'll miss the eclipse which we are trying to see before nine a.m'

'Awwwwwn, and it won't be fun watching it on the news later'

'Nope', Evan was thoroughly amused by her antics. She just wanted to have it all at once; something he had no issues giving her.

'How about you try to get as much sleep as you can, then I'll wake you up as at when due so you can watch the eclipse',

Humming she got comfortable, as their flight took off.

The next time she was coherent she turned to look out the window and was greeted by the sight of the eclipse. Not knowing if being this close to it was healthy, she immediately reached for her special goggles but stopped when she saw that Evan was still passed out on the chair adjacent to her.

'Hey', she gently shook him.


'You're missing it, come on'

'Okay', he voice was throaty due to sleep but he obliged her and sat on the chair she just vacated and she made herself comfortable on his laps. Together they both wore the said goggles and enjoyed the eclipse which lasted for about two minutes from when they sat down till it was over.

Evan had given her a mini telescope to use and she had uuhh-ed and ahhh-ed as she tried to show him what she was seeing.

As soon their plane touched down they were in the vehicle to their hotel. Of which when they arrived they both fell on the bed and spent the first day of their honeymoon catching up on well needed sleep.



I love happy ever afters!!

Don't you?

So all we have is the epilogue coming right up.

As for those googles mentioned, I don't know if they exist or if they do exist, I don't know what they are called... 🤣


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