Chapter Three

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'Mr. Sawyer, it's a pleasure to finally meet put a face to the name'

'Pleasure is mine, you know my brother, Ian. He's heading our finance department', Ian stepped forward and offered a handshake which was heartily received.

'A pleasure Mr. Kings',

'Please call me Evan'

'Evan it is, as long as you call me Ian. Mr. Ian makes me feel so old', Evan chuckled at that and gestured for them to follow him into his office for the meeting.


After the ten hour train ride, Iris was very ready to murder anyone that remotely breathed in the wrong way around her. Knowing she was in a foul mood made Matthew ecstatic, he never understood why travelling left her cranky, then again, anything that looked stressful left Iris cranky.

'If your smile gets any wider, I might be tempted to drop you off at an asylum. Now wipe that grin off your face and let's find a taxi to take us to the villa. I hope Shelby got my message' she muttered to herself as they left the train station to get a taxi.

At the James' villa....

'You know for people who hate the lime light, you guys sure as hell know how to attract them', Matt said as they waited for the butler to open the door. Iris too tired to respond shrugged and sat down on the stairs leading to the door.

The door opened to reveal a pregnant Shelby who looked like she'd been crying all day. Not looking up from her phone to know why Matt gasped, Iris spoke up, 'Did your feet get stuck in the pavement or have you finally decided to become a statue', she trailed off at the disheveled look Shelby was wearing. Moving faster than she thought possible, Matt immediately gathered Shelby into a hug,

'Tell me darling, do I need to shoot my brother. I promise I have my gun cocked and fully loaded', at Shelby teary laugh he relaxed a little trying to gauge what was physically wrong but saw nothing.

'Honey what's wrong, tell us so we can fix it', Iris added softly. She had James' number picked out and a dial away.

'I couldn't find the salt, and, and, and my cookie jar is missing from the shelf where I normally keep it, then I asked Walter to go to the store and get me some salt and cookies. Then, then, then the cookie jar got broken, I didn't know who to call afterwards cause Walter went to run an errand now I'm stuck here with dinner unprepared and you guys are here already. I can't seem to get anything right today.. I'm just..',

'Calm down darling, we'll fix it all up before dinner time, won't we Iris?' turning to Iris, a glare was waiting for him but she nodded her consent and went straight to kitchen to fix dinner while Matt calmed Shelby down on the couch.


'Gentlemen, thank you for your time. I believe we're going to make each other richer',

'My sentiments exactly', after a very productive meeting, handshakes were exchanged and James pulled his cell from his pocket to see 3 different messages from Iris. The last one ending with a death threat if he doesn't haul his butt back to the villa to calm Shelby down.

While he was trying to understand why Iris would want him back at the villa, another message came in.

Dear brother, I love you to the moon and back so I'll tell you this. Go by a store and get a new cookie jar and cookies to go with it. Don't you dare ask me what types of cookies cause I aint the one married to your dear wife. Now, the only reply I want to get from you is your ETA.

Suppressing a shudder, he got up from his seat but not without Evan noticing the change in his mood.

'Problem Chief?'

'Nothing a convenience store wouldn't fix. Apparently my wife is throwing a fit and I'm to serve as damage control', he responded with a light chuckle.

'Well, I'm years from that stage of life. Congratulations, I'll very much like to meet your lady, if that's okay with you'

'You will, she's the Head of Human Resources when...'

'When she's not being hormonal', Ian cut in and swiftly moved away from the range of the tea cup close to James. Watching this interaction made Evan smile; he never grew up with people he would appreciate these games with.

'I'll ensure Shelby knows about this once we get to the villa', James threatened, knowing fully well that Shelby's anger was a force to be reckoned with, coupled with her pregnancy hormones, another story all together.

'Nah, you wouldn't do that to your favorite sibling',

'My favorite sibling is not in the immediate vicinity, that I can assure you'

'Iris doesn't count, she's your kid. Matt and I are your siblings', that made James chuckle. Everyone termed Iris his kid, he was ten when she was born and has taken care of her ever since he could remember.

'Ten year olds don't get to be fathers and dad will kill you if he heard you talk like that. Far be it from me to come between him and his daughter. If you'll excuse me Evan, I need to get to a convenience store before Shelby decides to give me a call....' Shelby's call cut through.

'Hey babe...' his voice softened so much that it seemed another being took over his body.

'That man turns to mush the second Shelby's involved. Got to go before he decides I can find my own ride home',

'I can help you with that..'

'Nah, I'm guessing my twin is in town, I'll need the exercise that'll result from our inevitable fist fight', he said with a grin.

'And why is that?'

'Let's just say I sold off something of his and he's gonna be really mad for a while'

Raising an eye brow, Evan walked out with Ian who was busy smiling in anticipation for the fight with his brother.

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