Chapter Nineteen

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TO God be the glory great things He had done

So loved He the world that he gave us His son.....

The hymn rang in the church halls as the family occupied he first pew.

The hymn was the closing hymn and they sang the song with gusto; Iris knew her family was big due her parents adopting and signing up as guardians for a lot of people. But them all in one place was really crazy.

Her family was really massive!!

Who could have thought that her parents had impacted this many lives.

Nothing could dim her smile that day.

As soon as the church service was over. They all drove the short distance to the reception hall which was technically the ranch. A sectioned had been renovated to accommodate the tent they were using and it was truly beautiful.

Evan was right beside her entertaining Travis as he was bent on removing what Iris could only call a diamond stud on his tie.

She smiled at the scene before she excused herself when she saw her mother heading towards to servers to obviously offer to help. Moving she caught Shelby and Theo already in motion towards her mother.

This was one thing they all agreed on, she was going to do absolutely nothing today except enjoy it; which was proving to be a difficult task at the moment.

'Oh come on honey, I only wanted a drink', she whined to Shelby

'Which is why an Usher is right behind you'

'But I already sent her the first time, it just seemed rude to send her out again in such a short while'

'Well she's being paid to do that', Theo said in her usual no nonsense way.

'You're making it worse. Mum try to just sit back and enjoy your husband for a couple of hours before you have to share him with us again. Okay?', Iris said to calm her mum down.

'Well when you put it like that, then I have to go and enjoy it. And would you look at that, he's already looking for me'

'Please go before he leaves the table too', urging her mum on her way she was not prepared for the person she saw as she briefly glanced to the doorway.

There stood Michael.

She hadn't seen him in close to four years, and she secretly hoped to never see him again.

Right now she felt nothing; absolutely nothing no erratic heartbeat, no butterflies, nothing as she locked eyes with him.

She began in that moment to wonder if what she actually felt for him was ever real.

This was definitely not how she pictured their meeting after everything that happened between them. Left to her they wouldn't meet at all; but alas, it's a small world after all.

When he saw her, he smiled in greeting. But his eyebrow nearly disappeared into his hairline when she walked up to him.

'Hello Michael', she extended her hand for a hand shake which he shook unsurely.

'Hi Baby Blue',

'Nah, you lost that right a long time ago. Is Sasha with you? Oh where am I manners, let me find you a seat somewhere. You're lucky we always plan for uninvited guests', she turned without waiting for a response only to stop short with Evan right in front of her.

'Where did you run off to', he asked as his arms circled her waist. She smiled up at him;

'To send mum back to her seat and right now to find a seat for a stow-away',

'Is that so? I need to get the gift I got your dad. It's back at the house',

'You can always give it to them at home', he responded with a kiss. They broke apart when Travis came around,

'Mama look!' he held up what she thought was the diamond stud on Evan's tie and then looked to see it missing.

'Yes baby, its beautiful. Now don't put it in your mouth, please don't let him swallow it', she begged Evan

'Give me some credit, and I think the guest is feeling neglected', Iris finally remembered Michael was still waiting for her.

'Oh I'm totally sorry. Evan, this is Michael, Michael Evan. Now let me show him to somewhere to seat then I'll get back to you in a jiffy', quickly scanning the room she found a seat vacant at a table.

As soon she confirmed that it was free, she escorted him to it. But before she could leave he held her wrist.

'You really moved on fast Baby Blue, a husband and a kid. Wow!'

'This is my parent's thanksgiving service so I'll be courteous to you; take your hands off me and keep them there. A waiter will soon be here to attend to you, enjoy yourself', she turned and walked back to Evan who was watching the whole thing from a distance.

'Are you sure you don't mind me to send him my dad's 90s Petrus. I can assure you right now that he wont mind', Iris laughed at this,

'No, I don't want us wasting something that sounds that expensive. Unless you send it with our wedding invitation; but then again I don't want him there either', she shrugged

'Whatever you say wife',

'Smart man',

They broke apart as the servers moved around making sure everyone was well fed. The couple returned to their table, but before Iris could sit down she spotted her favorite cousin trying to sneak in; tough luck cause I'm screaming right now!

Locking eyes with her he gestured for her to be quiet but she was having none of it.

'Dunnie!!!', she screamed as she ran into his arms. He wasted no time in catching and twirling her around.

'Little girl you were supposed to  read the signal', his laughter soon got his mother's attention.

'You're lucky I have a soft spot for you, why are you so late. You missef the entire church service', Aunt Nora nagged, making him smile wider. Both of them didn't see her approach.

'You know you're the only woman I live for her nagging. Hi baby', he hugged her too as she rolled her eyes.

'Just look at how you went and grew up on me, even having the nerve to call me baby; honey can you believe this kid', Uncle Jason gave him a handshake but not without adding, get your own woman son,

'No sir, I like this very plenty. Mum, let me go hug Aunt Chris before she uses this as an excuse to leave her cell', they all chuckled as he pulled Iris along.

His little girl had gone and gotten engaged; he needed to meet the guy and catch up with the other cousins.

Well well well

In any and every situation,give thanks to God.....

Alright darlings, it's a beautiful morning over here and I think the harmattan season has started

That's has got to be my favorite season in Nigeria for obvious reasons like no senseless rains and laundry dries quicker 😉

So, you know the drill

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God bless you 😘💗💕

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