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Iris' POV

Sometimes, when you're told something is painful it doesn't necessarily mean that you prepare for the pain or that it gives you time to prepare for the pain.

Pain was pain, and right now I am was very much ready to yank these babies out of me with my bare hands.

For some reason God deemed me fit and ready to have twins for my first pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, the pregnancy was no joke. But that's to be expected as the hells of pregnancy are both the same and relative at the same time for all women.

I'm only grateful that my water broke when Evan was back from the gym. He was the one who carried me all the way to the car and from the car to this room that I've been stuck in for over six hours with occasional and extremely painful pangs.

The last time the midwife checked she said I was only halfway there and to hang in there for a bit. I even tried sleeping, but guess what? The moment my eyes were shut and I felt the sweet embrace of sleep a very sharp pain hit me.

You would think with the way the pangs were coming these kids would have mercy on me and come out already.

Once I had screamed so loud that Evan had rushed off to call the nurse who after checking me said I had two more centimeters to go and that not to worry, when the real thing starts I won't have the energy or voice to scream.

That if for any reason no one is here and I start groaning in earnest, then Evan should be ready to play midwife.

The glare I gave her was enough to send her away but not without her laughing and telling me to relax.

Well she said it, because not up to an hour later the intensity of the pain got so much that all I could do was open my mouth and suck in as much air as humanly possible.

'Babe, you need to let go of my hand so that I can call the nurse from down the hall', my only response was to tighten my grip on his hand

'At least let me push that button that is close to the bed', I turned and smack the button so hard that I'm sure Evan was making a mental note to get the hospital a new one.

'And she's ready to go, alright ladies let's get this show on the road!', the lead nurse immediately arranged for me to be moved to a labor ward where it looked like they were awaiting my arrival.

Then it hit me, this time around it stole my breathe away.

'They are ready to grace us with their presence. Baby number one is crowning, so when I say push I want you to forget about the pain and focus on getting this over with. Sound good?'

I quickly nod and before long I heard the order push!

And I did, boy was it painful. But I kept at it until the pressure eased and the cry of a baby pierced through.

As soon as the baby was handed over to another nurse, the attending midwife swiftly caught the other twin as she too came rushing out at exactly seven seconds after her sister.

The cries continued as both of them were laid on my chest. Even I didn't realize that I was crying alongside them.

A kiss on my forehead from Evan reminded me of his presence in the room. The midwife handed him a scissors which he used in cutting the umbilical cord.

I felt another pressure and my eyes bulged out thinking it was another child but the midwife quickly assured me that it was simply the placenta that was coming. This of course was relatively painless.

Finally cleaned and bundled up in their cots I tried to catch a little bit of shut eye after Evan assured me that he was here watching them.

Evans POV

A Soul's tune ||Completed||✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora