Chapter Twenty

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The phone ringing was truly getting on Iris' nerve.

Currently trying to enjoy some peace during her break at the hospital, the caller didn't seem to get the memo when she didn't pick up the first five times.

Finally she had had enough and she answered the phone with a cut 'yes?'

'I've been trying to get you for a while now Blue?'

'Well Captain Obvious, I've been trying to avoid you too. What do you want Michael?'

'I just want us to meet up, there is a lot of explaining to do and I really want to apologise for...'

'You're forgiven. Good bye Michael'

'Hold on please, just let me explain my situation with Sasha'

'The absence of that knowledge won't give me the flu Michael, anything else?'

'At least hear me out'

'Good bye Michael', she cut the call and placed the phone back in her locker.

'That was cold' Tia said from the couch she was lying on, trying to sleep off a headache.

'He had it coming' was all sue said before she too got comfortable on another couch in the room.

Might as well rest as her partner would call her if he seemed over tasked.

'I would want to hear him out if I were you, at least to get closure', Tia said with her eyes still closed.

'I don't want it, really. It's done, with Evan I have nothing to prove. He loves me for me. That's what counts'

'And you, do you love him?'

'Why on Earth am I marrying him if I don't love him?!' she asked sitting up.

Bye bye sleep

'Well, I feel like you're holding back when he has shown you his all'

'That is called common sense Tia'

'No honey, it's called fear. Fear of being hurt after you've given your all. A sort of once bitten twice shy kinda thing',

Silence followed as Iris couldn't say anything in return cause Tia was right.

She was concerned; even after they were well engaged and looking at marriage in the future.

She'd been down this road once and she definitely didn't need the pain that follows a terrible ride.

'Look, my relationship is as it is because we both are vulnerable to each other and we both are confident in the security we offer each other. You'll enjoy this better if you give that man the chance to love you like he's meant to be'

Nodding her head, she laid down to stare at the ceiling.

He'd done everything right in her book, but for some reason she couldn't let go like she knew he wanted her to.


'You seem blue, what's going on?'

Evan asked Iris later on when they met up for dinner.

She had gone through the motions on autopilot and he could see right through it.

'I don't know'

'You know you can tell me anything right?'

'Yea but,'

'Hey, whatever it is you can always tell me when you've put your thoughts together'

'But that's just it. My thoughts that are meant to be together are not'

'Happens to everybody baby'

'You see there, that trust and security that we are supposed to have in each other is severely tilted on your end. How do you stand it?!',

To that Evan smiled. He'd noticed that something was eating her up and that she didn't know how to say it.

And of course he noticed that their relationship seemed to be leaning more on one side. But he didn't push because he needed her to come to him when she was totally ready to be his.

The engagement was for his peace of mind, he knew she would marry him. But the marriage won't happen till she was ready to be his.

'I'm confident in my love for you is how I can bear it and overlook it sometimes. You're it for em babe, so I've made up my mind to give you the time you need to give me your heart'

'But you do have my heart'

'With conditions, and that is something I don't want with my life partner. No conditions, no what if'

'But I ..'

'Shh, it's only natural the way you're acting now. I pray you see what's right in front of you sooner rather than later'

'I love you' was all she could say to him right there

'I know, and I love you darling. We'll be fine, we'll make it through'

'Yes, we will'

As they talked on, Iris told Evan about her day skipping the conversation she had with Tia but included the one she had with Michael.

'Like he just doesn't get it. I'm done, I've moved on. I think I should be concerned that he still has my number..'

'Probably because you simply blocked his number'

'Well I didn't want to throw my life off balance because of him, he already did that's

'Maybe he's the one that needs the closure not you, so maybe hear him out'

'You're encouraging me to go meet up with my ex', Iris deadpanned.

'When you put it like that I think about it saying no, but it's better to get it over with'

'Then I'll do it over the phone right here and right now'

'Definitely not in front of me and definitely not when we are on a date', he glared as she smiled sheepishly at him.

'I thought you wanted me to get it over with?'

'Not while I'm supposed to be showing you a good time',

'Is that right?'

'Yes', he said coolly.

'Well then when do we get to the fun part?', she asked could making Evan laugh.

'Scoot over and I'll show you'.

Love love love


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