Chapter Two

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Life on campus was slowly becoming hectic, as the years progressed and the modules increased, students asked themselves why they bothered.

'Now the immune system which is made up of special cells, tissues and organs are the body's defense mechanism against foreign invaders in the body, can someone give us an example of these foreign invaders?' looking up from the journal, Professor Martin looked at his students who all refused to make eye contact. Heaving a sigh he continued as though he never asked a question in the first place.

'The immunoglobulins are another matter entirely..' the lecture droned on till the bell was heard, unfortunately it was a double period lecture.

'Miss Sawyer, a moment of your time please!',

'Yes Professor', Iris picking up her bag walked to the podium where Prof Martin was packing up his laptop and projector. Knowing he would reject help if she offered Iris waited patiently till he was done.

'You seem to be the only student who bothers to take notes in my class. At the end of the next lecture I want to take a look at those notes, my niece seems to think I come here to talk your ears off'

'Oh no sir, your lectures are quite interesting, as a matter of fact you've done a..'

'Save your breathe kid, even we lecturers get tired of listening to ourselves when we talk, so I wouldn't blame you kids one bit. But that was a nice attempt at sucking up by the way', the thin skin on his face stretched into one of his rare smiles.

Returning the smile, 'Wellll, I tried. Let me help you with your bag sir'. She took the bags off his hands before he could refuse and started walking towards his office.


'Iris whatever it is you want, the answer is no',

'Good evening to you too Matt how was your night? Mine was simply delightful and my exams went perfectly well. It's the least I could expect from my brother right?' already regretting her impulsive decision to call Matt late that evening.

'Riight... how did your exams go?'

'Not good but I can't complain, just grateful not to have to repeat that module'

'With all that dancing that you do, one would think you'd make a career out of it, but no you chose to make your Nana proud by going to medical school...'

'It's Clinical Laboratory Science and mind you she's your Nana too!!'

'Whatever!! Now why in the name of the Almighty did you decide to ruin my peace and quiet?"

'I'm heading up state to visit James so I wanted a partner', breathe held, fingers crossed, she waited

'So I'm to drop everything I'm working on and head up state to Buffalo to play house with you? Kid I'm not that bored',

'How about I make you a deal, you travel with me and I'll participate in this year's polo game. How does that sound?'

'Girl you are a lousy negotiator, whether I say yes or no you'll still participate. But far be it from me to give you a nudge in the wrong direction. Fine I'll go, but you owe me big time kid!'

'Yea yea and stop calling me kid, you're barely three years older!!', was her petulant response.

'Real mature babe. See you on Thursday'

'Make it Wednesday and I'll make lasanga',

'Tuesday it is, bye honey'


Feeling accomplished, Iris picked up her bag and headed for bible study.


Tuesday evening, at the airport....

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