Chapter Seventeen

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'Hey old man, wanna teach these kids how real music is made?'

'If you're calling me old man, you really do need a mirror',

Bishop and Aunt Nora started bickering as soon the reception began in the garden. The couple was yet to make an entrance and they were already entertaining their family.

'I did, and I can give you a run for your money',

'No argument given, what do you have in mind?'

And soon they settled down on one piano and began playing a tune that was easily backed up by Ian on a bass guitar and Matt on a sax. Not too long voluntary dancers, of which Iris was a part of, took the dance floor.

As the couple came in they were easily absorbed into the dancing crowd.

The event progressed nicely as people were given the opportunity to say a thing or two about the couple. As the event was gradually winding down, Bishop and Aunt Nora gave way to the musicians to do what they were paid for.

'Would you dance with me?', Evan asked Iris, she was skeptical at first as she was supposed to watch the kids. But Evan simply gave Claire a hundred dollar bill and she said she would watch them till they got back.

Taking his offered hand, they both joined other couples on the dance floor.

Their rhythm was easy; they easy fell in sync with each other. The tempo of the music changed and Jules took the stand and started singing, 'Can't help falling in love'

As their bodies swayed to the music, Evan sang the song low for her ears alone. She looked up to stare into his eyes, and there she saw it. The love he claimed to have for her, she felt it as well. When Jules finished and started God gave me you, she now sang back to him.

When the songs finished, Evan took her away from the event. As they walked she thought, about what she had with Michael. It almost always felt one sided, as though as soon he proposed or even asked her to be his girlfriend; it felt as though he metaphorically handed her the batten.

Though she didn't mind it, this felt different, balanced, if she dared believe it. He had come to her and had asked for her, and only her. And she felt she was finally ready to give it a go. She didn't even notice they had stopped moving until Evan touched her arm to get her attention.

'Sit with me darling', and she did without hesitation. Before common sense could step in, she leaned in and kissed him, if Evan was surprised he didn't show it and simply held her as he too took what she had to give.

'Will I be awfully wrong to ask you to marry me right now?', he asked breathlessly. Never in his life had he ever been so scared by the word 'no', he hoped she wouldn't break his heart at the moment. This, whatever this was, was too precious to be ruined by anything other than acceptance of each other.

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