Chapter Fifteen

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One more chappie for now

Evan finally had a break, but it came with a price; babysitting Claire.

Not that he minded, the kid was mostly on her best behavior whenever she was around him.

Summer break was here and he refused to let her spend another summer of her life with tutors. He never enjoyed it as a kid so he wasn't about to put any kid he felt didn't need it through that.

'Baby come sit, we'll soon be landing', he called her attention from the plane window. She was always fascinated by the view while in the air,

'Okay', she came and sat down. Buckling her seatbelt she smiled at him. Of course she wanted something.

'Evan, I want to ride a pony on your girlfriend's ranch', she said without missing a beat. He really shouldn't have told the ten year about Iris, which was the reason why she was here mostly. Aside from the fact that it bought him time away from the company, she was curious as to who she was.

'If they have the kids' sized ponies then I might consider it', he said so off handedly, knowing full well that that wasn't going to happen. One trauma was enough for him.

Soon the plane landed and they were ushered into the vehicle that'll take them to the Sawyer property. It's been too long since he saw Iris.

He knew she was trying to put some distance between them, during one of their now rarer nightly phone calls she had let it slip that she was once engaged.

Though he was already aware, but she telling him on her own was a good sign in his opinion.

Whoever it was he was thankful that they were foolish enough to let her go, which gave way to a full time job; convincing her to give him a chance. She had stood her ground about trying to focus on her and Travis but he knew she was making excuses.

He wanted her, even if it had to be on her terms. He would give her that. Keeping up on her health he was glad that her bandages and casts have been removed and she barely needed the crutches these days which he felt was tremendous progress.

As they drew close to the mansion Claire was once again had her attention fixed on the horses that were running freely.

What a sight indeed!

Soon enough they pulled into the driveway, as they came out of the vehicle Matt drove his bike and stopped right at the stair leading to the house.

'Howdy stranger', he greeted as he took off his helmet.

Claire suddenly shy hid behind Evan.

'And who's the pretty lady over there?' he asked as he walked toward them.

'Hi, I'm Matt nice to meet you'

'Hi' she said shyly as she took his offered hand.

'Come on, let's go get some cookies before my brother gets here', looking up at Evan who nodded, she allowed Matt lead her into the house.

He never knew how the Sawyers were always good with kids; he knew was okay with them. But these guys could give him a run for his money.

Well, right now he needed to get settled in and get changed before dinner; or not.

He sensed her before he saw her, but turning had his heart beating at a fast pace.

She was trying to balance herself on one leg, which he hoped to God was her uninjured leg on a pole that could very well have her on it with her two feet firmly planted. But somehow she was having fun doing whatever she was doing and Ian was nearby promising to call James and help enforce a full year's stay in the hospital if she should fall of the poll.

'I won't fall, I've done this a billion times remember?', she replied to his threat.

Evan moved towards her before he could stop himself. The lady was really something.

When she saw him he was already very close, trying to right herself she slipped but landed in his arms. Or more accurately he caught her.

Her shaky smile was given a blank look by Evan.

'Hey, when did you get here?'

'You know I'm telling James right?'

'Come on, nothing is broken. No harm no fowl', she whined. He found it cute and hilarious but he masked it well. She really was something. And Ian was yet to know what had just happened. Whatever he was fixing had his full attention.

As though remembering he was meant to keep Iris out of trouble he jerked up to find Evan carefully setting her on her feet.

'She fell didn't she?' he asked straight away.

'Technically yes, but I got her before impact. So she's good'

'If you say so, welcome by the way. How was your trip?'

'Tiring, but fine. I brought the kid'

'That's great. Mum will have more kids to entertain. She says we're no longer fun, well go freshen up while I take care of this one',

'It's ok, I've got her',

Evan and Iris walked around to the front door in companionable silence. The bags were already moved when he got there. And as they opened the door a little girl ran into Evan talking a mile per second but Evan seemed to hear every word she said.

'How many of those did you have ?' he asked after about a minute of her talking.

'Dunno, but it's sweet'

'I can tell, where's Matt?

'In the kitchen', they all headed there with the little girl hopping on her feet. When Iris raised brow at Evan he simply said sugar rush.

Matt was sitting on a stool drinking coffee, an empty jar sitting next to his cup.

'Rule number one of babysitting Matt, is to keep your eyes on the child. And while at it, do not leave the kid with the jar open!', Iris said in form of greeting. Matt turned to show her the phone he was cradling.

After the call he turned to find Iris giving his new friend some water.

'I literally turned my back to her for five minutes, plus the cookies were not that much anyway',

'Sure' was Iris response.

'Baby, come one; let's go get you freshened up', Evan lead the child away from the kitchen to her assigned room. Leaving her to bath and change; he went to his own room to do the same. By the time he came back to her room she was passed out on the bed.

A shadow soon joined him, turning he saw it was Iris.

'She's out isn't she?' she whispered

'Yes', he looked at her to see that she had changed into sleep wear.

'Hope she ate something more than those cookies, cause that would equal waking in the middle of the night hungry or earlier than should be deemed lawful and still hungry'

'She'll sleep through, so I'm placing my money on the earlier than should be lawful', he went into the room and was a bit surprised that Iris walked in with him to help change Claire into something comfortable and she put the sheets over her as soon as Evan laid her back on the bed.

This one was a heavy sleeper, Iris thought. Travis would have begun crying the moment he got moved from his sleeping position.

Both walked in companionable silence to go join the rest of the family at the dining table.

'Where's your third arm?'

'Probably trying to disconnect the beads on Mama Becs neck', she smiled at the name Evan had given Travis; only because he was definitely going to come up with one for him sooner or later.

If he could ruin Ian's name, Evan was in for a treat.

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