Chapter Eighteen

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AND morning came, after the family morning devotion Evan went to have the conversation with Bishop, who turned out to be ecstatic Iris had found a love to last this time around and Chris was full of tears.

Her baby was going to be a woman now, even though she raised Travis alone. Now it was official. Two weddings in one year, the Sawyer nest was getting vacant.

The family at the breakfast table was given the news and hearty congratulations were shared, it was indeed beautiful. James didn't say anything but simply hugged her and said 'well done belle'.

That got her crying, when she had told him about Michael asking for her hand all he had said was 'oh', now that she had his approval she was really really happy.

Then the girls gathered to fawn over the ring and even Jules who claimed to walk the path of feminism was starry eyed as she too looked at it.

'Oh look at that, Jules finally sees marriage in her future', the others laughed as Jules rolled her eyes, 'yea yea, it wouldn't hurt anybody now would it"

Mouths were left hanging as all the conversations involving marriage and Jules played over in their minds.

Aunt Nora then turned to Evan, 'Young man where the hell have you been all these years?!'

Everybody laughed again, true joy was being expressed in her home, and Iris could taste it.


'Ok lay that over there, and move that a bit to the left. Exactly; now go rescue those flower baskets from the kids', Iris shooed her helper away.

Her parents were celebrating their anniversary alongside a huge thanksgiving service.

Bishop's heart attack earlier in the month very well killed her; he was the one that was on the bed but she died a hundred deaths whenever she saw him lying there on the hospital bed.

She didn't even want to imagine if he had gone for his run as usual, alone. That would have been one heck of a disaster than Iris was ever prepared for. She just couldn't fathom her life right now without her biggest fan.

Snapping back to the present, she saw a now three year old Travis walking up to her all grit and dirt. And what was supposed to be a dog trailing behind him. In the just finished reception hall! Oh heck no!!

'Young man you better make a wide U-turn before I get my hands on you!', looking closely at him as he stood she saw tear marks on his cheeks. Walking briskly to him, she picked him up and carried him out of the place with him on her hip.

'Why are you crying, talk to mummy',

'Carlton push me in the pool',

'Pushed baby, and I'm sorry; are you hurt?', he gestured his palms that looked fine to her but seeing as he was being careful with it, she guessed he broke his fall with them.

'That's okay, mummy will make you all better in a minute', she carried him to her room. Passing Shelby on her way there, she asked her to check on her kids.

Satisfied that she was once again looking at a clean child, she sat him on her bed and went to change her now ruined top. Her jeans looked okay so she didn't bother with it as she still had work to do.

Carrying Travis back out she saw the other boys also cleaned up and Carlton made his way to them. After saying he was sorry and that it was an accident, which was almost always the case. The kids made up and Iris had them at napkin duty.

After she was satisfied that they were doing it right, at least to the extent that she didn't have to start all over before fixing them; she picked up the seating arrangements and got to work. Still keeping an eye on the kids who got distracted the moment the dog now clean came back to the hall.

Ian better have a leash for that thing were her thoughts as the said Ian came into the hall.

He had been awfully moody the past few days but everyone chugged it up to be because of dad's heart attack. But Iris knew better, he was sulking about something and she could hazard a guess that it had to do with the olive skinned beauty who showed up about three months back.

Apparently her parents were guardians to she and her brother which wasn't too shocking. She was yet to understand the dynamics behind the relationship she had with her brother because as far as anyone knows, she barely acknowledged his existence.

Now she turned back to see the kids playing tag with the dog Betsy, using napkins they were meant to be folding.

'That's enough boys, out you go' she picked up the napkins and resumed setting them right.

'You there's a reason an event planner was hired right?' Ian said behind her.

'I know but I need to keep busy so that my mind doesn't wonder off'

'Missing the fiancé?'

'You have no idea',

'Of course, we immortals try not to get involved in such trivial affairs. How's that working out by the way?'

'Haha, yea it's okay. I'm to wait for his call but the nerves are eating at me',

'You know your brother is also in that meeting right? So try not to disturb them'

'Yea, where's dad anyway?', she asked instead of the question bugging her.

'Somewhere in the house with mum and their guest', guest huh? That what we are calling her now?

'Oh, who is it?'


'Ohhhh, she's so pretty. Her hair is simple gorgeous; don't get me started on her facial features, her eyes, lips and oh she wears those freckles so well I -',

'So is yours', he responded calmly

'Yea, but we mortals are such fickle creatures. Always wanting what belongs to someone else'

'I can tell. All right squirt, got to go join the meeting before James gives me a long lecture that'll end with me having a headache and then I'll be cranky tomorrow. Tah-tah', he kissed her forehead as he left.

Something was brewing; she could feel the beat in her bones. 

Here we go guys...


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