Chapter Twenty -one

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SHE was right here as agreed, but Michael seemed to think she had developed more patience than she had while they were together.

Against everything in her she had reached out to him to set up a meet. Besides, Evan had told her some time ago that if she was truly over him she would be less defensive whenever anything about him was brought up; and Tia had concurred it without missing a beat.

To hell with this..

She picked up her phone and wallet, as soon as she stood up stuffing her bags a very agitated Michael stood in front of her.

'I'm so sorry, I got stuck in traffic and calling you seemed like a really terrible idea',

Saying nothing she resumed sitting while Michael waved a waiter over and ordered water and coffee. Iris simply stared at him through her shades.

'Look, I know I asked for us to meet and sincerely I would love to explain but I don't know where to start..'

'How about telling me if what we had was ever real, or was I fooling myself all the while'

'No, it was real. I just felt like you were coming on too strong sometimes, but I never said anything because I felt that I would get used to it. Which I did mind you, but still it was there. And never doubt it, I did love you; still love you but I guess that ship has sailed'

Damn right it has..

Choosing not to voice her thoughts, she sipped water from her glass. Giving him time to say whatever he wanted to say so that she could get on with her life.

Coming on too strong, yea right!!

'I really do love you, and Sasha was a big mistake. We both did something stupid and we hurt you which is awfully wrong'

'Wait we, as in you guys are still together'

'Heavens no!' he said immediately giving a nervous chuckle afterwards.

'We couldn't bring ourselves to continue being with each other after the whole ordeal so we broke it off'

'Awww, and here I was shipping for you guys', Michael couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not, neither could she; but hey its important to get the digs in while you can.

'Yea', he said awkwardly.

'So you guys broke up, how exactly is that relevant to me? Speaking of relevant, let me ask a question that is relevant to me, when did it all start?', she laid her shades on the table close to her bag and looked him directly in the eyes.

'Well, the night she came to drop off your bags from practice because practice extended all night for you and a select few',

She was shook, of course she remembered the said day.

If she wasn't wearing heart signs on her eyes maybe she would have seen what everyone with a normal set of eyes could see.

When she had turned up the next day, she met Sasha at the door exiting. And she looked like she was in a hurry. Of course Iris was there with Vivian who said Sasha looked like she talking the walk of shame; but she had laughed it off and said it could never have been with her fiancé.

Vivian of course had made a comment of love being blind and Iris had shrugged it off; just as she shrugged off a lot of other things like him cancelling their marriage counseling classes and preventing her from coming over for a while. Claiming that he needed to concentrate on a certain project.

Well, project accomplished ! she glared at him as those memories came to her.

'That was the same week I introduced you guys'

'Yes well'

'You're a piece of work you know'

'Yea but please...'

'Did it even bother you that she was someone I was trying to get to church?' Michael was quite at that.

'I lost that girl because of the choices you both made. If you had done the right thing maybe, just maybe she would have been committed in church by now'

'You don't know that' he said under his breathe but she heard him alright.

'Of course I don't know that , and we'll never know either because from what I gather neither of us know where she is',

'Oregon, she's in Oregon',

'How nice', now he knew she was definitely being sarcastic.

'You know for the first few weeks I blamed myself for how our relationship shattered. I blame it on my virginity; my inexperience with the opposite sex. I mean I took all those cruel things you said to me to heart',

'Iris I ..'

'Let me finish' she commanded while raising her hand to silence him.

'I thought it was my fault, I put on a brave face after the crying was over. Mum tried to get me to talk, even Jules that hates your existence tried to reach out to me. But I shut everyone out. Even the man that is trying to love me for me'

'I love you for you Iris'

'No you don't, cause when you love someone you don't do such a thing to them. Rather you talk about it and explore your options. Heck I would have at least heard you out',

'I know that now'

'Well too late. I'm not going to let this hold me down and poison this new and beautiful thing that God has given me and Evan. I forgive you Michael, and I'm not just saying that to get you off my back.

I made a mistake of connecting my confidence to you, but now I'm very confident on my own. I've found me; and I'm ready for the life I can have with Evan',

Gathering her things she stood up with a genuine smile for Michael, ' I wish you well Michael, and that you find the girl that was made for you. I would say hope we can still be friends, but its too soon to make such assumptions', with a smile she out on her shades and walked away to the car Michael just noticed was packed near where they sat.

As she zoomed off, she felt reasonable lighter. As though a weight had been lifted off of her.

Not thinking twice she dialed Evan's number who answered on the first ring.

'I'm ready',

'You sure', she loved how she didn't need to explain things before he understood her.

'Yes, plenty sure'

'Alright, let me call the event planner and see what three months looks like from now'

'Make it a month',

'Honey, what magic wand do you think I own'

'The one we need', was her response.

'Okay then, whatever the lady wants'

'I love you Evan'

'And I love you',

The call was ended and Iris made a turn and took the road that lead to the Sawyer mansion; no need wasting time in telling her parents the news they had been waiting for.

Even Aunt Nora had asked her if she had a fetish for lord of the rings as she was gradually turning into a Lord of the ring.

In your face aunty! That movie has got nothingon me!!


Alright y'all

You know what's up!




God bless you 😘😘

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