Chapter Eleven

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Somehow the committee for welfare had gotten wind of the cause for the accidents and filed some lawsuits against the company. As if he needed things to get any worse.

Further investigation proved that sub standard spare parts had been bought to replace the faulty ones which of course could not bear the load of work being done, which in turn lead to the explosion.

So not only was there a fault, it was fixed wrongly.

Some people were really going to be fired after this whole issue settled down.

They had a court hearing that morning and the last thing he needed was added stress. He had been in touch with the Sawyers as Bishop James had called him personally; he even prayed with him over the phone. Something he never knew he would appreciate as much.

The brothers had also called; though he knew it was wishful thinking, he had hoped that she would have called him. Heaving a sigh he stood up to leave his office for court, his phone rang.

Not bothering to check who called him he answered the phone, the voice he had been waiting to hear was finally on the line.

'Hi! Good morning. I'm so sorry I haven't called or texted or anything. I didn't know what to say and still don't but I just want to check on you. Travis put that down before you hurt yourself!', she scolded. He had really missed her.

'It's okay. Thanks for calling',

'When do the court proceedings start?',

'In about an hour',

'Wow, okay umm. I'll be praying for you alright. Just don't worry, it'll end on praise. Gotta go before I have to run to the ER later',

'What's he doing now?', Evan asked amused, the child was really mischievous for the quiet disposition he shows.

'Trying to give me a heart attack is what he's doing! Baby get down from there!', was the last thing he heard before he cut the call. He was reasonable happier than he was before the call.

He entered the court room with fingers crossed, he had absolutely no idea what to expect.


It indeed ended with praise as far as Evan was concerned.

The fines were high but doable within the time frame they were given. With Bishop Sawyer and his father's input he would clear them up in one check; but he was a stubborn man. He wanted to take full responsibility for everything; it was his company after all.

'Look dad, my answer remains no, sure I'll zero most accounts to meet up but it's nothing I can't handle'

'You're not thinking son, when you zero those accounts from other companies might I add you won't have enough to keep those ones running. You'll risk bankruptcy; we can draw up a schedule where you pay back with interest if that's what will settle your mind. But you need all the help you can get. This is just like the last time with your mother, so stubborn!'

Evan smiled at that, it took years but his father was finally able to talk about his mother's passing. Though to his detriment as his father said he was more stubborn than his mother.

'Dad, I'll think about it. When I do I'll have my lawyers contact yours. Thanks pops',

'Anytime kid, gotta go; Claire seems to think my building is the perfect spot for playing hide and seek', the eight year old would get his father's hair grey in no time.

'Alright dad, say hi to Hilary for me', the call ended.

He had had a similar conversation with Bishop Sawyer, but had offered his in form of buying shares. Something about his mother having a knack for tunes; and that if history was anything to go by he would sooner be a part of the family.

He tried not to read meaning into it; his said infatuation with the youngest Sawyer was proving to be naught. He knew she didn't have to leave New York; he also knew of her past fiancé from her brothers. But he was glad it turned out the way it did.

It would have hurt a lot worse if he found her out of his reach.

What he needed right now was a very long vacation; away from all this. Who would have guessed that the first time there was a crisis this big at the Crest factory was when he was in charge. Heck the last fire only scorched an office, and that was because the office occupant fell asleep while smoking.

But first things first; he was going to fix up the place, place adverts for workers and then allow the HR department handle the rest of it.

He really needed to sleep.

Amen to miracles 🥂

You know the drill....

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