Chapter Eight

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Some years back, after his mother's funeral

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Some years back, after his mother's funeral.....

He stood at her grave as everyone else left. The service was barely over, but due to the downpour people were dispersing. Except him.

Yes, his sperm donor was still hanging around. Why? He couldn't tell. He never was around for anything as far as he was concerned so he was a little surprised; if not angry that he was still there.

He had done what was expected of him; burying his wife. So why he was hanging around was beyond Evan. As for him, he was on the next flight out of the Hamptons that very night. Though he was using his family private jet, he preferred to move out with nobody's help or awareness.

Later at night as he sat waiting in his mother's mansion, he received a call from the pilot that he was ordered to ground the plane till further notice. Not bothering to ask he knew who had interfered. If he thought he was ever going to have a say in his life he was sadly mistaken.

Before his mother died, she had transferred some of her finances to him. The other part was to be kept till he was of age with a part as a gift to his bride as a wedding present whenever that happened. So he wasn't in any way broke.

His mother before her marriage to his father was a billion dollar heiress; being the only child and recently orphaned she fond love with his father who was also a billion dollar heir.

Everyone expected that they would merge their companies and wealth but that never happened. As much as she loved her husband, her family business was going to remain in her family and his father readily agreed. Till she became ill.

His father had offered to help her keep both companies afloat while she recovered. She agreed, but that was the beginning of their problems. Both had very different and contrasting notions on how to run a company. So naturally she called his attention to it, seeing as he wasn't coping she took over again; which put a strain on their relationship.

He wanted her to rest and get well while she wanted to work.

As time went by her health deteriorated. Then her husband, Mr. Asher Kings did a coup in her office which resulted in her forcefully resigning and making him the temporal CEO. That of course didn't go down well with his mother, so she asked him to leave.

Against his better judgment and after trying to make her see reason he left.

And Evan never heard from his father again; until now. This drama took place five years ago.

His father had tried during the past years to reach them and had succeeded with his wife but Evan vowed to make him pay for abandoning his mother when she needed him the most.

So now here he was at his father's house for the first time in five years, and he was not impressed as to the reason why either.

He sat down patiently in the living room as his father made his way to him. He really wanted to hear the reason why he was here. His father took a seat across from him and looked him square in the eyes; as though he was ready for a battle which Evan had no issue giving him.

'How are you Nigel?', yes his father named him Nigel but after he left he insisted he be addressed as Evan as his mother named him.

'How am I expected to be when I just watched my only parent being lowered into the ground?', he asked back without an ounce of emotion on his face. He really wanted to get out of here.

'I'm not your enemy Nigel. I'm your father, contrary to what you want to believe. You leaving after the funeral like that is not acceptable..'

'Acceptable?' he said exasperatedly. 'Since when exactly did you get to have a say in my life?'

'Since the day you were conceived. Look I'm glad your mother did what she did with her wealth because I asked her to do it that way. I really want to be there for you Nigel'

'Don't' he cut him off. 'I'm a legal adult and I believe I'm old enough to be on my own',

'I know, and I'm not going to force you. All I'm asking is for time to make this right. I should never have let things get as crazy as they did and if I could change that I would. I tried to see you many times but you made certain that it didn't happen',

Evan simply rolled his eyes at that statement. What exactly did he expect?

'So I'm proposing that you give me a year to fix this, just one year. If on your mum's death anniversary next year you still feel you don't want me in your life I'll respect that. Please!'

Oh how he wanted to tell him to go to hell for all he cared, but he remembered what he promised his mother. Though he initially had no interest in fulfilling it, but seeing his father break down and beg him for time he agreed.

Might as well get it over with.

Three years later....

'You know she loves you right?' Evan asked his father off-handedly.

He'd just returned from college and found his dad's secretary was making cow eyes at his dad when she thought no one was looking. Plus the way she took care of him.

'Huh?' his said dad asked him, clearly distracted by the paperwork in front of him.


'Who?' he asked finally looking up at his son.

'Your secretary. Surely you're not that daft!', he made a show rolling his eyes as his father continued to look confused.

'Oh lord! It's a wonder mother fell for you. You are hopeless. Your secretary is in love with you',

'That's not true she's just extra careful with her job. She ...'

'Knows all your doctor's appointments, knows everything you are allergic to. Also can pick out something you would either like or detest effortlessly. Yea, effective secretary' he said sarcastically.


'How about you go on a date with her and put her out of her misery'

'Hold it right there Nigel, I don't think I follow, I'm too old to be doing that. Besides she's too young to be looking my way, she should go after guys her age',

'And how old are you old man? 60? 100? You're simply forty –five and she's thirty. Seems pretty balanced to me.'

'Why are you suggesting this?' his father finally having enough of this ridiculousness.

'You're lonely dad. If no one else sees it I do; it's not healthy to bury it all under work pops. You'll waste away, and you don't want that. Neither do I; just think about it okay?'

Heaving a sigh he agreed. Before he could blink he found Evan at the door talking to someone; he came back and told him that they were having coffee with Hillary.

The said lunch break came and Hillary found herself in the presence of her bosses; both present and future. Shortly after making small talks her future boss made up a very flimsy excuse in her opinion to leave. But she wasn't complaining; at least she got to spend some time outside work with her boss without making it too obvious about her infatuation with him.

That was when Asher saw it; the love Nigel was talking about. And that was the beginning of many dates.

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