Chapter Nine

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Evans POV....

Fast forward two years later...

He'd come home very late that night and all he wanted was to sleep, but his little sister apparently had other plans.

Claire had just turned 6 months old and seemed to have developed a new use for her lungs; crying ceaselessly. Almost every night whenever he came back. On enquiring, he found out that she had always been like this, except now it was worse.

Trying to get back to sleep he heard her piercing cry, groaning he stood up and moved to the area the cry was coming from and found his step mom with her hands buried in her hair as little Claire bawled her eyes out.

Looking around he found bottles of baby formula and what looked like water, and his step mom had one side of her shirt undone. Meaning she had exhausted all options, but the little one was still crying.

Seeing her shoulders shake he decided to intervene; as soon as he picked her up her cries subsided. But soon resumed; his step mom looked up with tired eyes at him. Her eyes were red rimmed.

Somehow he knew to look at her diaper, they were new. Even the cloths she had on seemed like they were recently changed. Going out on a limp, he took off her overall and began rocking her gently.

Within minutes her cries turned to whimpers; after a little while she was out.

Trying to lay her down was another assignment all together but he succeeded. After he laid her down he had barely turned around when Hillary engulfed him in a hug. She really looked like she needed the sleep more than him.

'Thank you. If you had come a minute later your dad would have woken up. Thank you',

'It's alright, let's all try to get some sleep before she remembers she hadn't had any attention in the last thirty minutes', his joke worked as Hillary gave a shaky laugh. She adjusted the heater in the room and covered the now sleeping baby with a light blanket before they both quietly left the room.

After three hours of sleep, he heard his little sister scream again. Not bothering to answer he forced himself back to sleep; but not before he heard Hillary cooing to her.

That lady needed a nanny and a break.

Iris' POV.....

Matt was finally getting married to Greta.

And she could finally see an end to the twins' squabble over the said girl.

Matt loved her, Ian had absolutely no romantic notions were Greta was concerned; but he loved to provoke Matt which lead to their most recent fight.

Knowing full well that Matt had a thing for Greta, Ian had gone the extra mile to take her out on dates making Matt mad. Finally Chris had stepped in to put an end to the madness and here they were preparing for the wedding ceremony which of course was holding at the family ranch.

So Iris had taken Travis on his first airplane ride and here they were in Iris' room getting ready for the event. Iris was already ready but was trying to keep Travis still long enough in his pants so she could pull his jacket on.

He was playing ring bearer in the wedding.

'Hold still baby',

'Mama go',

'You just used the rest room 5 minutes ago baby. Now hold still', he always used the bathroom as an excuse to get out of clothes band stay out of them. Iris was wondering how school was going to be for him.

The wedding was over and Iris was busy keeping the little ones; George, Carlton and Travis away from trouble. Until Travis spotted Pete and yelled 'Daddy!'

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