Chapter Six

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'Hi little mama', came he's sheepish greeting to her when he stepped into the foyer.

Even when he's in big trouble he's got the guts to make a pass at me!!

'Hold it right there you no good son of a gun!'

'Name calling? Really little mama? That how you wanna raise my kid?', rolling his eyes for dramatic effect, he barely missed the missile that was the flower pot she hauled at him.

'Now you want to make him fatherless too?' he asked incredulously.

'Listen here Peter! And listen well. I told you I would do anything humanly possible for you. I've done your homework almost through high school disregarding the fact that you were a year senior and not remotely science inclined',

Opening his mouth to respond she raised her hand as a sign to shut his mouth, which he effectively did. Iris ranting meant one thing, she was furious!!

'Then you go ahead and say you wanted a shot at Hollywood. Whatever for, I would never know', by now she was pacing. 'Then you go there and manage to get yourself tangled with Tanya Willis!' she stopped pacing to face him.

'I would have given you my blessing to marry Lady gaga but Tanya Willis was a hell no, but did you listen?!' answering her question herself she started pacing again.

'Of course not! You now had cooler friends than churchy little Iris. But guess what? Huh? Guess what?' Using her purse she started hitting him for every word she said next.

'Of all the stupid. Foolish. Unsolicited. Unwanted and damn right God forsaken thing to do, you. went. and. got. her. PREGNANT!!!!!!!',.heaving now, she kept pacing.

'You're rich Pete, self made millionaire. And when it was supposed to count, you forgot to buy a condom. Shut it!! I'm not done yet. Then she went ahead without your consent to try and abort the child, if not for the motor accident that occurred when she was on her way she would have succeeded. Miraculously they both survive the accident even though she took a direct hit.

Then she's convinced not to abort, carries to full term and decides to neglect her new born', with tears running down her cheeks she now looked at him. And there she saw the remorse she'd been searching for in Tanya's eyes when she paid an unexpected visit to Peter.

Walking into the house, she dropped her bag to take off her shoes. Then she heard it, a baby screaming his lungs out. She briskly took them off and quickly followed the baby cries. There she saw the baby lying naked in his pee and poop, and nobody in sight to take care of him.

The air was slightly cold and with fear that he would have caught a cold she immediately lifted him of, took him the sink, ran warm water and gave him a quick bath. All through he kept screaming. She quickly toweled him down and wrapped him in a towel.

Laying him gently in her arms she cradled him until his screams died down and he tried sleeping. Few minutes after he was quiet, Tanya walked into the bathroom where she left him, almost looking bored.

'Finally shut your mouth didn't you?', she snared, unaware of Iris' presence. She walked to where she left him and instead found sheets heaped up. Not even remotely alarmed, she turned to walk out before she saw Iris, staring at her with disgust.

'What? You the new help or something? Pete needs better employees as far as I'm concerned but that's his problem and so is that from now on. That chapter of my life is over and so is he',

'Care to repeat that?', she asked calmly, gently reaching for her phone and turning on the voice recorder.

'You deaf too?!!, I said this chapter of my life is over!!! Peter can keep him, drown him, give him up for adoption, use him for a pagan sacrifice, I don't give a rat's ass! I've put my life on hold because of both of them and now I'm done. You can take him for all I care. But know this, if I ever see Peter or that rat in your arms ever again I'll sue. Now that that is covered, I'll take my leave'.

She all but slammed the door on her way out. With tears in her eyes, Iris looked down at the little guy who was now breathing with difficulty. The paramedic in her kicked in and immediately she ran out of the apartment, barefooted and didn't stop till she got to the nearest hospital.

Praying to God that the little one would survive this, and promising to keep him, away from both Peter and Tanya. For as long as she lived.

'Little mama I get it okay, I swear I do. That's what I came to tell you. You don't need to sue or anything alright? I'm making you his legal guardian from this very moment. I even have the papers drawn up by that firm affiliated with the company. The lawyer said it's non-contestable as requested, here', he handed her the papers already signed by him and his lawyer. The only missing things were her signature and the judge's stamp to make it official.

Lowering her head as sobs racked her body; Pete gently drew her into a much needed hug.

'Thank you little mama, I've messed up a lot, but I'm not about to mess it up for the little guy as well. Take care of him okay, I'.....'

'Don't even think about it!' came her muffled voice. She wasn't the only manipulative person in the room. Pete knew to play his cards right and have her where he wanted her without hassle.

'You're not leaving the kid totally to me, for God sake I'm just twenty one. You're working plenty Mister!!', she was struggling to get out of Peter's hold.

'Yea, I was hoping you would say that, you see I want try out this being a dad thing and I think we'll both do a good job', catching on quickly, she jabbed him with her elbow which earned her the release she needed to effectively glare at him.

'Nice try, but I still call the shots. And you're so gonna be at my beck and call because you've just signed a lifelong debt!!!' She stomped his feet for emphasis and stormed off leaving Peter in pain and very amused.

Mission accomplished.


'No we're not buying the kid a private jet for his one year birthday', Iris had her phone to her ear as she continued with her chores. Little Travis was taking a nap and she was utilizing her free time properly.

'Even if you can afford it Pete', she set the laundry basket on the table and sat on a seat, gently massaging her temple. Pete was really running her crazy with his ideas for Travis' birthday party.

'Look, he's one okay. If at all he only needs faces that he knows around him. Not your Hollywood buddies', she listened once more before she concluded that Pete was going to give her migraine headaches if he continued talking.

'You know what? It's not going to happen. Want to know why? Because I said so. No get off my back I have cleaning to do', she cut the call and put her phone down. Before she could pick up her laundry basket, Travis started screaming.

Oh joy.

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