[34] Court Room Surprises

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Some would say I am a complete asshole for calling on Avery's mother. Others would say I'm a complete idiot.

I mean why would a mother fight against their own daughter?

But none of them know her like I do. I know how to persuade her mother into things. And I know how frustrated her mother gets with Avery.

No one stands. I turn around and try to find her. I find Avery's dad, but he's sitting with some blonde haired thirty year old.

Then I look at Avery, who is in just complete shock. She doesn't say anything. I see Niall stand so he can lean over the tiny divider separating us from the crowd and whisper something in Avery's ear. Avery nods and Niall stands up straight.

"Your honour, Mrs. Parker passed away two and a half years ago." he states before sitting back down.

What? Dana died?

Ed looks at me like I should have known this fact. Which I should have? When did I become so distant.

"She probably just didn't tell you because she wanted attention. " Ash whispers in my ear.

There's a chatter that starts around the room that slowly gets louder.

"Order! Order in my court." the judge yells.

"Just move on to the next one." I can hear Ashlyn tell Ed over my shoulder.

When the crowd quiets down, Ed stands back up.

"We're sorry for your loss Miss. Parker. But moving on, we would like to call forth the sister of Miss. Parker. Alice Parker." In that moment I hear Avery laugh.

It wasn't a laugh you would hear if you heard something funny. Oh no. It was a sarcastic laugh. She used to do that when we were younger, it was how she hid her tears.

When I look back over, Avery is crying.

Shit. Did Alice die to?

No bullshit! There is no possible way that both her mother and sister died.

She's making this up! Who would sink low enough to pretend their own sister is dead?

Avery would. That's for sure.

"Bullshit!" I say out loud. "How is it possible that each witness we call forward is supposedly dead?"

"I hate to be the one to let you down Mr. Payne, but maybe you should have paid attention to your home town a little more while away. The death of Miss. Alice Parker was one known all around here, and also a case I dealt with and am still dealing with. So I'm calling a recess and you can use this time to find a witness that is still with us. Court dismissed." the judge says and my jaw dropped. How did I not hear about this? Why didn't my parent tell me? How could I be so insensitive?

"I'll be back." Ashlyn whispers. I sit staring into space.

When I look to the side, I see Avery storm out of the room with Niall by her side. I stand up and run after her.

"Avery!" I yell and she stops in her steps and turns.

"What do you want? Would you like to ruin my life a little more?" she spits.

"Avery I had no idea." I whisper.

"Of course you had no idea. You're an asshole. You are a inconsiderate, coincided celebrity who literally does not care about anything but their career, the girls they get and the money you make!" She yells.

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