Mario and Sonic teamup videos

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A/n: videos show Mario and Sonic teaming up

Mario: That's amazing I can't wait for part 2 so we can kick Goku and Naurto's butts.

Sonic: Oh yeah I'm with you, Mario, when we're together nothing can stop us not even Goku and Naurto.

Mario: The animation is awesome also I liked the way you let me keep up with you, Sonic.

Sonic: Eh no problem I knew you were slower so I had to slow down for you plus even that Black Lilac knew we we're unstoppable together.

Mario: True.

Mario: I'm sorry did WE JUST LOSE?!


Me: Eh can't win them all.

Mario: Okay finally we got our revenge also did I just do the Spirit Bomb?

Sonic: Well either way we won

Mario: This is a monumental mismatch these ponies don't even stand a chance. At least Goku and Naurto were tough.

Sonic: Yeah just read the comments of that video a majority of them agree. That fight was a complete joke.

Luigi: Even Tails can beat them. Give his a real challenge. Those ponies are just too easy.

Tails: Lol! I bet even the creator of that video agrees that we would win easily.

Yoshi: Yoshi (They just got destroyed so hard it killed them. That was a easy fatality no way they stand a chance.)

Knuckles: Ha it is a joke. Those ponies just regret the day that they ever challenge Team Mario and Sonic!

I watch as Mario, Sonic, Luigi, Tails, Yoshi, Knuckles laughing together over there victory over Team MLP.

Me: Uh-on here comes the salty MLP fans.

Mario: Man those guys were tough. Tougher than those ponies. But we did it.

Sonic: Yeah we nearly died but we won, that was awesome.

Luigi: Ya know what they say "You with mess one of us..."

Tails: "They mess with all of us." Nice one.

Yoshi: Yoshi (Now that was a real challenge right there.)

Knuckles: Yep you bet. That was an awesome fight.

Me: Okay at least their happy that they got a challenge now.

Mario: Our teamwork not only makes us stronger but also that it takes two to solve the problem.

Sonic: It sure does.

Mario: Not bad but I like the previous one better.

Sonic: Yeah so did I but it's still nice but us as a team is better.

Me: Why can't Nintendo and Sega just have a Mario and Sonic crossover game besides the Olympics with them teaming up in a platform game?

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