Draconic Robotics

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A/N: This is the music for the upcoming Death Battle Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla

Mario: Umm this music's not that bad.

Sonic: Yeah it's kinda decent for the most part.

Mega Man: The Power Rangers music kicks at the middle but stops at the end and cuts to a different soundtrack somethings up.

Me: What do you mean, Mega Man?

Mega Man: Okay so you know how like Elements of Alchemy the music for Aang VS Edward was all very dissent for most of the music.

Mario: Yeah why?

Mega Man: Well towards the end we have some Avatar: The Last Airbender music and in the actual fight when the music plays Aang ends up winning as the ending part of the song plays. So if this song was the case than I can totally see Akane Yashiro with her Mechagodzilla taking the win.

Sonic: Oh that makes much more sense now.

Me: Well we'll just have to watch the battle and find out.

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