Luigi and Tails pulls a prank on characters from Avatar

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A/N: Mario and Sonic's young sidekicks Luigi and Tails plan to pull a prank on the main characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra more specifically the Team Avatars.

Luigi: Okay Tails their almost here so what's the plan? I know maybe we can make a trap for them and drop pies on them or...

Tails cuts him off

Tails: Hang on Luigi let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Luigi: Really?

Tails: Don't worry because I have a well thought plan. (Whispers in Luigi's earl)

Luigi: Oooooh. Good Tails they'll sure fall for this one.

Tails: Okay if this is gonna work here's what we gotta do.

1 hour later at night.

Luigi: (Whispers) Their here.

Tails (Whispers) Okay good get into possession.

Meanwhile the Team Avatars from their respective series Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko from the original along with Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami from the sequel are scene walking down the road.

Sokka: (takes out the map of the mansion) Okay this is the place.

They all look at the mansion.

Bolin: Okay maybe we shouldn't come here cause from the looks of this place it's getting kinda creepy.

Mako: Can you just relax?

They all here lightning

Toph: Yeeeeaaaah. Relax right.

Korra: Alright enough guys.

Aang: Yeah we're here for a reason and let's find out why.

Katara: Okay.

Asami: If you say so.

Zuko: Let's just make this quick.

Both teams walk up to the door and Korra slowly opens the door.

Korra: Hello? Is anybody home?

(*Cues: Luigi's Mansion theme*)

Zuko and Mako use their fire abilities as flashlights to lead the way.

They begin to look at their surroundings. They start walking through the mansion with people like Bolin shivering.

Bolin: G-g-guys I heard that g-g-ghost live here.

Sokka: Well I'm not scared of any ghosts.

Sokka bumps into a picture of Luigi with his death stare.

Sokka bumps into a picture of Luigi with his death stare

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