Arrived at the destination (Stranger Things)

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A/N: Me along with Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man are about to arrive at a town called Hawkins where a adventure is about to begin.

I was chilling on my phone as Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man talk.

Mario: Hmmmmm... So that's the place you wanna go?

Sonic: Are you sure Phoenix? From what I've heard it's a very scary world.

Me: Yes I'm sure.

Mega Man: Dude you're walking into a den of death! That world has "horror" written all over it!

Me: Yep.

Mario: Bro there's... there's...

Me: There's what?

Mario: There's a teenage girl who uses telekinesis to kill people!

Me: So?

Mega Man: So If we ever actually see her there can be some problems!

Me: Whatever.

Computer: We are now arriving at are destination.

Me: About time.

The heroes are nearing the exit to and the moment they fly out the portal they observe the town from above.

Indiana, Hankins (1984)

All: Whoa!

(*Cues: Stranger Things intro*)

They slowly begin flying over town. After nearly a minute (53 seconds) of flying Rush slowly finds a place to land.

Mega Man: Alright Rush easy now.

Rush: slowly lands in a uninhabited spot in the woods. They hop off of Rush as Mega Man pets him.

Mega Man: Good boy, Rush. When we need you we'll call you.

Rush then teleports away.

Mario: This place is...not that bad...

Sonic: Yeah it's cool but I have a bad feeling about this.

Mega Man: Yeah I'm kinda nervous here.

Me: Well this will be fun.


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