Going to watch some Netflix originals

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A/N: Preparing for a journey to watch some Netflix originals to see if I like them.

Me: Okay guys so I today I'm going to see some Netflix originals you guys requested. I hope I like them.

Mario: You sure about this Phoenix?

Sonic: Yeah you're taking a big risk on this you know that right?

Mega Man: Exactly what if you find something you're not gonna like?

Me: Of course I'm sure I've been through much worse.

Porto Man: Yeah we here you but just be careful okay?

Me: I will.

Luigi: Are you sure? Because.... one of the requests.... it..... it.... IT HAS A LOT OF BLOOD IN IT!!!!

Tails: Yeah not to mention those creepy monsters. I don't think you can do it.

Me: *Grabs Luigi and Tails by the ears* Are you seriously saying I can't do it?! BRAH that show is PG-14 plus I'm growing up so I can handle it. And everyone enjoyed it so I wouldn't insult the show's fans if I were you.

Luigi: Okay Okay!

Tails: We get it chill.

Me: *Let's them go* How's Rush doing, Light?

Dr. Light: He is ready to go I already picked the destiny you requested. And keep this. *Light throws the phone.*

Me: Good. I'm heading out. *Catches the phone* What's this?

Dr. Light: It's a phone I made. It has unlimited technology, Wi-Fi, and battery so you don't have to worry about a problem and if it gets lose you can summon it back to your hand.

Me: This can come in handy now let's roll.

Light nods his head and presses the red button and a portal opens. However before I could leave Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man stand in front of me.

Mario: Now hold on just for one second.

Me: Huh?

Sonic: You're not planning on leaving without us are you?

Me: What?

Mega Man: He's right and besides you're gonna need some help from your friends on this journey especially just in case when we need to do some ass whooping.

Me: Hmmm okay you're in.

Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, and I hop on Rush ready to ride.

Me: We'll see you all later.

Luigi, Tails, Porto Man, Dr. Light: Have a safe trip!

Rush flies into the portal at full speeds straight into the portal which closes behind them.

(If you guys have more requests for what Netflix original I should watch let me know in the comments down below.)


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