Mewtwo VS Shadow DEBUNKED

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What's up guys it's me Mario and Sonic fanboy and today we're going to be doing another debunk which is another debunk I did in the past and I decided to redo and that is Mewtwo vs Shadow. Now let me just say this was overall without a doubt one of the worst Death Battles ever because the entire fight was crap and was just too short and they completely nerfed Shadow so hard especially his super form. There's a bunch of misinformation that they completely missed just for the sake of making Mewtwo win this battle so that's why I'm debunking so without further a do let's begin.

Alright so the first claim I had a problem with is that Ultimately, there was nothing really stopping Mewtwo from just taking over Shadow's mind, and it's impressive durability and healing power bought it enough time to do so. I'm sorry but I have a question to ask. When has Mewtwo EVER had impressive durability?! Like there's no way on this planet that Mewtwo has impressive durability can you even prove that? Mewtwo may have impressive healing powers but definitely not impressive durability. Sure Mewtwo can survived being stabbed but Shadow has survived much worse than that. Also just to show how Mewtwo does not have any impressive durability. In one of the Pokémon movies (forgot the name) the only reason Mewtwo survived a fall to Earth was because one he (or she because Mewtwo was a female at the time) had help from Ash and his friends alongside other Pokémon and two is because Mewtwo almost died falling to Earth this means that Mewtwo would've been dead if it weren't for outside help also do I need to mention that Mewtwo almost died in space and falling into the Earth's atmosphere? Yes I do Mewtwo almost died at that point too. Meanwhile Shadow survived falling Earth at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 sure he may be in his super form at the time but he scales to Sonic who survived a similar fall in base form so this means that Shadow takes the durability advantage.

Alright so the next issue I have with this is that Pretty hard to win a fight when your opponent can make you forget what you're doing and who you are in an instant.

Okay first of all I used to agree with this point however after looking at this video right here I completely disagree with it.

Now that I figured this out let me just say that Mewtwo's mind erasing abilities takes a LONG TIME how I know this is that if you watch the video you'll fine that he calculated how fast it takes for use his mind erasing abilities. In the first Pokémon movie it took 15 seconds and in Mewtwo returns it took 26 seconds and since Shadow is much faster than Mewtwo he can use his abilities before Mewtwo can even react. Plus Shadow can just stop time and completely cut Mewtwo into pieces before he could react.

This is about be apart of the next point I have....Shadow has been mind controlled before, and has always relied on outside help to recover. Even while Super Shadow was physically invulnerable, this form didn't protect his mind, like that time he fell from space, and then the worst game ever happened. Wow is that the best you can do? Let me explain this real quick. First of all according to the Sonic wiki Shadow has actually resisted mind control for example the only reason why Black Doom was able to mind control Shadow is because they are actually related and Shadow was able to resist it. Their proof of evidence as to why he didn't resist it was from Sonic Boom (which is non canon by the way) was because he had a MIND CONTROL device on his head so he can most certainly resist Mewtwo's mind controlling abilities. Also in Sonic Heroes Shadow still has been still shown to be capable of fighting even without his mind erasing powers and he can still use Chaos Control to stop time during the game this means that even if Mewtwo were to erase Shadow's memories it won't stop him from fighting so no matter what Mewtwo does Shadow will still resist his mind controlling abilities.

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