Top 10 Dumbest Movie Petitions

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A/N: Apparently fans just don't know what "You get what you getting" or "No means no" things.

Mario: Tony's death was a perfect ending to his arc no need to revive him.

Sonic: Yeah like a Prometheus sequel will definitely happen. NOT!!!!

Mega Man: boycotting Beauty and the Beast for it's LGBTQ by that logic I can do the same thing with The Legend of Korra.

Luigi: No offense but that gorilla is not appearing in The Lion King 2019 anytime soon.

Tails: Why are these fans trying to J. J Abrams from The Rise of Skywalker? That doesn't make any sense.

Porto Man: Yeah sure everyone would love to see Creed get a new name right?

Yoshi: Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi (Not only ate they harassing Brie Larson for her performance in Captain Marvel but also being straight up cyber bullying her. I'm pretty even Brie's feelings are hurt.)

Knuckles: Yeah go ahead and try with all your might but The Last Jedi will never be removed from canon it just doesn't make any sense just like the fans.

Rush: Woof woof woof woof (So the fans are trying to destroy the whole purpose of Rotten Tomatoes that's dumb right there.)

All: *Everyone's to the Death Star thing.*

Me: All of these fans just don't know when to shut up. I know one thing for certain THOSE THINGS WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!!!!!

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