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That's what Maki Harukawa thought of herself.

It wasn't just in this moment either. She'd thought of herself as dissapointing ever since she went to prison.

Relying on people was weak. She needed to handle everything, by herself, not trusting anyone. Otherwise her whole mental state could break.

She also thought having emotions was weak. Emotions were a gateway to love, self sacrifice and other things. They were a way for her to get hurt.

Compassion, also, was useless.


So why hadn't she gotten rid of her compassion. She was meant to be industructable...

Yet when the shaking boy cried out to her about his lover, she had responded. When he was dragged of, she had felt a tinge of pity.

She knew it was only a tinge, because the rest of her was self-hatred. She wanted to do the right thing, and she had the means to!

But she also wanted to be on Kaede's good side. Something about the girls despair state struck Maki as familiar, despite Kaede never acting like that.

She wanted to love, but she also wanted to be cold and distant. She wanted to save the shaking boy, but she also wanted to impress Kaede.

She wanted so much...


"What do you mean you fucked up?" Rantaros voice echoed on the other side of the phone, clearly worried.

"I... I don't know, I did something bad, I sided with Kaede, I-!" Her voice was getting more frantic as Rantaros tried to calm her down.

"Hey, hey, calm down please, I can hardly hear what you're saying. Just... focus on taking deep breathes and tell me what happened... Can you do that?"

She stood silently, the only noise being her shaking breath.

"Okay..." When she came back to he phone, her voice was alot more calm, well, at least alot more stable than it once was. "I went along with Kaede..."

"Why?" Rantaro's voice got sharper. Clearly angry.

"I- I don't know--All I know how to do is... Is fight and kill and, idk, get away with murders... But, no, when you guys come into my life, you get super close to me and be super nice, and I'm not sure how to feel. Then Kaede's whole personality changes because that bitch Tsumugi, and I'm offered a hand into my old territory again. "

"... Okay.. "

"Look, I just was... Well, scared... Angry... Confused..... When this whole thing goes away, I think me and Kaede will have to have a chat or something." She glanced away from the phone, hearing footsteps coming down the hall. "I've got to go. Get here if you can... If you still want to..."


Maki's long hair swayed behide her as she quickly took to the wall beside her, staying perfectly still in ambush. She could hear voices coming into frame.

"He's normally a troublemaker but he just looked... so scared... I was hoping with your confidence and stuff you might be able to help. As you can tell I'm no good with emotions.." The only way Maki could describe the voice was... off, in a way. It still sounded welcoming and strong, yet it definitely didn't sound human.

Another voice replied, this one sounding very confident and boastly. "I'm great with people, it's cool man. After all, I ammmm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars!"

The other gave a sigh. "Do you really have to announce your identity everywhere you go Kaito?"

"Don't worry about it man. What's the worse that can happen?"

Another sigh. "I wasn't thinking of something happening to you, I just think it's very egotistical..."

Maki kept her back arched to the wall. Although these two didn't seem like a threat. She could stay silent and in wait, letting them pass.

The footsteps stopped outside the room she was. She took her mind away from the possibility of them finding her in this state. 'If you focus on something bad happening, youll probably be more likely to trigger an event.' That's what her mentors at the orphanage told her. So she took her mind off it.

That still didn't help her when Kiibo opened the door anyways.


"Who are you?" Maki was faced with a silver shining robot, bright blue LED eyes blaring into her skin. A jock kind of boy stood behind him, purple hair bending upwards and defying the laws of gravity.

"..." She had Rantaro coming anyways, she had no reason to lie. Plus, they needed, literally, all the help they could get. "I'm Maki Harukawa. I'm the ultimate childcaretaker."

The robots eyes seemed to dim, yet his expression stayed the same. The purple haired boy leaned around the robot and waved to her.

"Hey, nice to meet you! I'm Kaito Momota! Luminary of the stars! Otherwise known as the ultimate astronaut!"

Maki glared at him. "Do you two have any idea what's happening? Or are you just as dumb as Shuichi and Ouma?"

The robot stood forward. "What happened to Ouma?!"

Kaito was pushed out of the way, nearly losing his grip. "Hey, don't call me stupid!"

"Ouma..." She thought back to the crying shaking boy. "Ouma is captured... Basically... Its a long story."

The robot didn't back down. "Well tell us! It's been what, like 30 minutes since I left and what, he's been kidnapped!"

"Not kidnapped per say... More like drugged... Or possessed."

Kaito sat down on the couch. "Can someone just explain what's going on... Who's Ouma?"

Maki told them... Everything. Her betrayal, Tsumugi, Kaede's state, Shuichi's near death situation... Everything...


"God..." Kaito clutched his head. "Man, that's fucked up..."

The robot, (Maki learnt his name was Kiibo), was also in dismay. "Is there a way the... the vial thing can be reversed?"

Maki grimaced. "I hope."

Maki glanced out the window. Tsumugi's car was long gone, not even hanging around for Maki. She assumed Kaede had went in that car too.

A new sleek black car had pulled up. She watched it intently. A green head of hair popped out as she realised it was Rantaro. He seemed to be carrying someone, but Maki couldn't quite see who it was or what had happened because she was so high up.

"My rides here." She stood up. "You two stay here."

Kaito stood up. "Dude, there's no way I'm letting you go alone. Or even with two of you! You'll get destroyed."

Kiibo stood up too. "I can't let it happen either. Look, Oumas my friend, however annoying and I want to help him."

Maki rolled her eyes. At this point, she was over it. If they wanted to sacrifice themselves or help out... She couldn't stop it. She wasn't even gonna try to stop it. "Whatever, let's go.."

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