▪ Chapter 7 ▪

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Jimin sat up and shivered. He looked over and covered his mouth in shock. A small smile started to creek onto his face at the sight of a sleeping Namjoon. But suddenly he thought of something that sent chills up his back.

I just slept with my boss... holy shit I'm dating my boss!

Namjoon slowly blinked a few times and looked around. He pulled Jimin down in his arms with a raspy voice, "You feel okay after last night? Anything hurt?"

Jimin blushed and held Namjoon's arms with his hands, "I'm okay I think. When do we have to leave for work?"

"If you call in saying you're going to be running late that's fine because we have to get you home for work clothes..." He paused and smiled, "You know what, I'll call off work today." Namjoon Sat up and grabbed his phone. He started typing in the front desk number and sighed.

After a moment he smiled, "Hey . . . Yeah thanks . . . Yeah Actually I was wondering if you could send a message saying that there is no work today . . . Yeah okay, thank you, make sure you lock up the doors and have a wonderful day off . . . Alright bye Mrs. Chang."

Jimin stared at Namjoon before laughing, "Someone is in a good mood?"

Namjoon laid back down beside Jimin and smiled, "I guess I don't want everyone to work while I don't have to do anything... that just doesn't seem fair to me."

"You're such a nice person." Namjoon smiled and kissed Jimin's cheek. Jimin smiled, "So what's the agenda for today?"

"Why don't you tell me? I don't make the plans, that's not m yh specialty."

Jimin blushed slightly, "I guess whatever you want."

Namjoon looked at Jimin and laughed, "All I want if to spend this day with you."

Jimin placed his head in the gap of the olders neck and let out a huff, "I-I Guess we can go to the amusement park... play some games, ride rides-"

Namjoon pulled Jimin's face up by the chin and shushed him, "As long as you stay by my side, I'm happy." Namjoon smirked at the younger and kissed him passionately.

Jimin blushed lightly and moved closer to Namjoon. Namjoon smirked and pulled away as he stood up. Jimin smiled softly and looked away to the window. He then stood up and follow Namjoon quietly as he went to the closet to get out something to wear. Jimin spotted out a cream colored sweater and smiled, "This is cute."

Namjoon smirked, "You can have it-" He was interrupted by the sight of Jimin tugging off his clothes to change into his new ones, "It will look good on you."

Jimin rubbed his fingertips across the sleeves, "It's so soft!"

Namjoon laughed as he pulled out a jacket and a white shirt with a pair of jeans. Jimin blushed as he sat down gently on the bed and watched th e older slip the thin t-shirt over his head. The well sculpted back of Namjoon burning an image in Jimin's mind. Namjoon turned to Jimin as he pulled the pants up and hugged them around the waist, "Something wrong Jimin?"

Jimin gulped before standing up and placing his hands behind his back, "No sir-"


Jimin looked up with his glossy eyes and took a step forward, "S-sorry!" He sighed and then stood in his place, "I didn't mean to say that..."

Namjoon laughed, the low pitch sending chills up the youngers spine, "It's fine Jimin," he grabbed Jimin by his jawline and smirked, "I like it~"

Jimin placed his small hands over Namjoon's lips as he could feel that familiar warm heat travel through his system and creep across his face. Jimin squeaked as the older gently bit his finger, "Don't do that~"


Jimin laughed, "Because it tickles!"

Namjoon slid his hands down to the smaller's hips and began rocking his side to side. Jimin smiled as his arms made their way up to Namjoon's neck. Namjoon smirked as he leaned close to Jimin, "What's my present?"

Jimin giggled as he nudged his leg against the olders thigh, "I can't give it to you yet," Jimin bit his lip and stood on his toes to whisper in Namjoon's ear, "It's not finished yet~"

Namjoon picked up Jimin and began walking down the hall, "Sounds fine with me, let's get going!"


The car ride to the amusement park wasn't too long but at the same time it wasn't a short trip. The whole drive there was filled with small talk about normal life things between the two men. Jimin would momentarily sneak small glances at Namjoon as his eyes were focused on the road. Namjoon on the other hand would slide one hand over to Jimin's knee every time the car came to a stop or was slowed down due to traffic.

As soon as Namjoon parked Jimin opened his door and ran out to the drivers side of the car with a huge smile on his face. Namjoon smirked, "What?"

Jimin trailed his hand up the side of the olders arm with a sly smirk, "There isn't that many cars here~"

"What does that mean?"

Jimin bit his lip and shook his hips slightly as he walked away, teasing Namjoon, "You might get your gift early~"

Namjoon kept his eyes on the youngers lower half, the swaying of his hips being the only thing he could stare at. Namjoon caught up to Jimin and placed his hand in the back of his pocket, "How about now?"

Jimin looked up as they began approaching the entrance, "Sir, if you're nice then I'll give it to you as soon as we walk in, but if you're not then you'll get it later."

Namjoon exhaled as he turned to face the woman selling bracelets for the park. When Namjoon gave her the money, Jimin slipped the paper around his wrists and smiled at the bright green.

"Thank you~"

As soon as they were away from the entrance Jimin started tugging the loop on Namjoon pants.

He looked down to meet the flustered face of Jimin, "Yeah?" Jimin then began dragging him away from any rides or stands, "Where are we-" Jimin pulled Namjoon close to him as he stood up straight against a tree, "Jimin?"

Jimin leaned forward and began giving Namjoon neck small kitten licks, "It's time-"

"For what?" Namjoon didn't care where this was leading, he loved the feeling of small pants against his skin from Jimin. He pressed Jimin closer as he picked him up slightly.

Jimin let out a small yelp as Namjoon's hand started tracking without a warning, "P-present-" he squeezed Namjoon shoulders tightly as he bucked his hips near Namjoon's slightly hardened member, "I-it's m-me~"

Namjoon slowly lowered himself down so he was able to hold Jimin on his lap, "Best present I've ever been given."

Jimin shivered once more at the feeling of Namjoon's bulge harden up fully underneath him. He grinded playfully as he fiddled with the olders shirt, "O-open your gift!" Jimin was whinging As the red tint forming in his face started shifting over to an expression of lust, "It needs to be taken out of its packaging~"

Namjoon bit Jimin's neck as he pinned him on the ground, "Let me have some fun first~" a deep chuckle could be heard from him, "I am the birthday boy after all~"

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