▪ Chapter 19 ▪

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Jimin sighed as he watched Namjoon begin to finish his bowl. Namjoon looked up and smiled at Jimin, "What is it?"

Jimin shook his head and laughed, "Nothing, the food was really good."

Namjoon smiled as he took his last bite, "Still kinda hungry though."

Jimin perked his head up and snirked. Namjoon didn't notice as Jimin stood up, "I have a wonderful dish planned out for dessert if you don't mind."

Namjoon looked up slowly .  Letting his eyes travel up Jimin's arms as they reached down for the empty bowl, "May I help you out?"

A small cloud of red began to creep across the youngers face, "No, I want to make something for you~"

Namjoon smiled as he stood up, walking around Jimin's body and dragging hand around the younger males slim waist, "I'll be in the living room if you need any help then~"

Jimin felt the goosebumps jump up his spine as Namjoon's fingertips lightly danced on his skin through the fabric of the shirt. He waited for Namjoon towalk out of the room before dashing off to the kitchen. He placed the bowls in the sink gently and turned to the fridge.

"Let's see what you've got in here~" Jimin purred to himself as he pulled the door open. He noticed that Namjoon has strawberry syrup and whipped cream. He smiled as he also opened up the freezer and seen a small container or vanilla ice cream. Jimin pulled it all out and grabbed one bowl.

He smirked as he began making a bowl for him and Namjoon. He smirked as he turned back to the fridge and grabbed cherries. As he put one on top of the whipped cream and drizzled the syrup.

Jimin laughed quietly before hopping on top of the counter placing the bowl in between his legs. He grabbed one last cherry and smiled, "Namjoon!"

Within secconds Namjoon was walkinging into the kitchen but he paused. Jimin had the free cherry stem in his teeth. Namjoon walked closer to Jimin and slid his hands up the youngers thighs, "A sunday~"

Jimin looked down Namjoon's body, a slight smile forming as his eyes landed on the tent in the olders pants, "Yeah."

Namjoon looked down at the bowl and seen the cherry. He poped the one that was already between Jimin's lips into the youngers mouth. When he heard the gulp and seen him spit out the stem he bit his lip and leaned down. Jimin felt a rifle wave of lust crash over him, devouring his body in a sense of need as he watched the older place his head down the grab the cherry that was in the ice cream.

Once eye contact was made again Jimin placed his small hands on Namjoon's shoulders pulled him close. Namjoon moved the bowl with one hand and squeezed Jimin's waist with the other. Jimin let out a small whine, "Namjoon~"

Namjoon pulled the stem out of his mouth and leaned his lips against the skin on Jimin's neck, "Yes baby?"

"I Don't want ice cream anymore-" he let out a sharp breath as he leaned his head over to one side, "I want you!" He cried out the last part due the the surprise of the older biting down on his neck.

After a few minutes of just biting and sucking on Jimin's neck, Namjoon pulled away and smirked as he looked at his mark, "Do you want me to take you upstairs?"

Jimin looked over into Namjoon's eyes and nodded slowly, "Please."

Namjoon pulled Jimin closer to his body and lifted him up off the counter. Jimin wrapped his legs around the olders waist and gently placed his hands on Namjoon's neck as he looked into his eyes. Namjoon placed his arms around Jimin and began walking towards the stairs.

Jimin moved around slightly so Namjoon could see his way up the steps without tripping.

As they reached the top, Namjoon's pace quickened, he began speed walking to the bedroom. Jimin bit his lip as he felt the bulge rub against his crotch at each step.

Without any hesitation Namjoon kicked the door open and slammed it shut with his foot. Jimin let out a sharp breath as he felt the soft bed quickly met his back. Namjoon apologised for seeing him down so agressivly but then connected his lips with Jimin's.

Jimin let out a soft moan as Namjoon leaned down on his body. Namjoon paused and looked down at the youngers face, "I don't want this to be slow..." He felt guilty for saying the words to Jimin.

Jimin nodded his head and reached down for Namjoon's belt, "Me too."

Hearing those words made it clear to Namjoon that Jimin wanted it just as bad as he did. With one quick motion the rest of Jimin's shirt was unbuttoned and thrown across the floor. Jimin smiled for a short second at the contact of Namjoon's hands to his bare skin. Namjoon continued to strip them both.

Jimin blushed as he scouted up the bed, giving room for Namjoon to make way. Namjoon reached over to the night stand and pulled on the top drawer. Jimin watched as he pulled out a condom and lube, he could only feel the heat spreading on his face.

Namjoon placed on the condom and lubes up his fingers, "Are you-"

"Yes~" Jimin closed his eyes and covered his mouth with one hand.

As he pushed in a finger to the youngers entrance, Jimin winced slightly. Namjoon looked up slightly and leaned closer, placing a hand over Jimin's and pulling it away from his face, "You don't have to be quite here, we're all alone."

Jimin blushed at the words and nodded as Namjoon pushed in another finger. After a few seconds without warning he added a third. Jimin let out a small whimper and tilted his head back slightly.

Jimin bit his lip and closed his eyes or embarrassment, "I'm ready."

With those words Namjoon smiled and pulled away his fingers, "Are you sure babe?"

Jimin open his eyes and blushed a deep shade of crimson, "Yes sir~"

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