▪ Chapter 21 ▪

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The sun shined through the window as Namjoon sat up on the side of the bed. He looked down at Jimin and smiled to himself. He was so lucky to have Jimin.

In a few days it would mark that Jimin had been working for Namjoon for five long years. His smiled faded away as he looked over to the window.

Namjoon stood up and walked over to his dresser, pulling out some work clothes and taking off his sweatpants. He looked back at Jimin's sleeping figure and sighed, "It's hard to believe that I've been in love with touh for five years already. . . I wonder if you feel the same."

Jimin's eyes squinted tightly as he sat up against the pillow. He let out a small yawn and opened his eyes, "What time is it?"

Namjoon hesitated for a moment, catching his thoughts together, "Around seven thirty."

Jimin stood up and stretched his arms some more and made his way over to Namjoon slowly. Namjoon watched as the tired boy wrapped his arms around Namjoon and barried his face in the olders chest. He could feel the younger smile, Jimin looked up, "You always smell good~"

"Jimin I-" Namjoon paused and placed a hand on Jimin's head, rubbing his hair soothingly.

Jimin stood up on his toes and kissed the olders cheek, "Before you say anything else, can you believe I've been working with you for all these years and ended up here?"

Namjoon was confused by the youngers question, "What does that mean?"

Jimin blushed, "I never thought that you and I would ever end up like this when you hired me as your assistant. I always thought you were cute and started to devolve feelings for you long after I took this job, I guess you could say they had definitely grown stronger over these past years. . . I'm happy to be here with you Namjoon."

Namjoon's eyes met Jimin's and suddenly he lost control of his mind, "It was worth waiting five years for this, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." When Namjoon realised what he had said he smiled and patted Jimin's back, "I've been in love with you for a while now, I just never said anything because I thought you weren't interested in me like that."

Jimin smiled and kissed Namjoon's lips passionately before gently biting his lip. Namjoon smirked and kissed back. When Jimin Pulled away he looked deep into Namjoon's eyes deeply, "I'm happy you told me this because I've honestly liked you for years. Keeping it a secret from you wasn't easy you know."

The olders hands made their way down Jimin's back and on his waist, "I'm sorry I never told you sooner-"

"It wouldn't have changed anything Namjoon, you know that."

As Jimin pulled away and walked over to his things and searching through his clothes to find the right thing to wear to work. Namjoon watched as he rubbed his neck and bit his lip. "I wish there were some way to show you how sorry I am for all of this."

Jimin turned his head back and looked down at the floor, "If you were sorry for that then I probably wouldn't be here right now, you wouldn't have left me alone in the rain. . ."

Namjoon could hear the hurt in Jimin's voice, he could feel his heart string pulling, "Jimin you know that I didn't want to leave. But it was just for a bit-"

"You'll end up leaving again Namjoon, you're choosing to keep me a secret from everyone. Especially after you said you'd do anything for me."

Namjoon's eyes were slightly tearing up, he was frustrated with the whole situation. "Stop blaming everything on me, I never asked to take over the family business just to make my father proud of me. Then look whay happened." Jimin looked up and frowned at the hurt expression laid out on Namjoon's face, "I threw him out for you and you're blaming me for keeping you a secret." A heavy sigh slipped out of Namjoon's mouth and he turned to the door, "I'll be downstairs waiting on you."

Jimin waited till Namjoon left the room before whipping his eyes. He regretted bringing up everything, the thought of Namjoon chasing after his father's love just to push him away in the end made him feel bad for wanting things from the older.

When Jimin finished he rushed down the stairs and looked around to see Namjoon, looking outside a window. Jimin let out a loud whine, "More rain!"

Namjoon turned around and laughed as he made his way to the door with Jimin, "Let's just hope on the way there it doesn't getg any worse than its current state."

Jimin rolled his eyes and ran out the door, "You're jinxing it Namjoon!"

Namjoon laughed as he started up the car, the purring of the engine sent a thrill up the olders back, he loved hearing the car turn on every time he started it up. When Jimin sat in the car and it started up it made him feel like he had a different life."

After they had arrived at the building they stepped out of the car and looked around, "I guess I'll see you after work. . ." Jimin paused and looked into Namjoon's eye's, "That is way too long for me."

Namjoon laughed, "You waited weeks before speaking to me again, I think you can handle one day at work."

They began walki ngn towards the door and bumped into Yoongi, "Hello Jimin, hello-" Yoongi paused at his words, "Are you two speaking again?"

Namjoon started to get nervous, "Again? Yoongi he is my assistant, I speak to him all the time-"

"He knows the truth Joonie, I told him last week. So does Hoseok."

Namjoon's eyes went wide, "Jimin I can't believe you-"

Yoongi laughed and hopped into the elevator with the two boys, "So, about the trip, I was wondering what time we should leave."

Namjoon looked at his feet for a moment before smiling, "Its all the way in Busan, maybe a day or two early, you know, so we can get used to our work environment."

Jimin smiled, "The hotel I booked does allow early days to stay."

Everyone in the small area laughed, Namjoon stood up straight and placed his hands behind his back, "Alrightly then,  Yoongi you should tell Hoseok the new plan."

Yoongi nodded as the doors opened, everyone left the elevator and headed off in separate directions.

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