▪ Chapter 11 ▪

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Jimin smiled as he watched the older sleep, he played with Namjoon's hand and he laid on his chest. He enjoyed watching Namjoon's chest rise and fall to the beat of his breathing.

Namjoon groaned for a seccond before pulling Jimin closer with a tiny smile. Jimin didn't know if he was awake or sleeping, "Namjoon?"

He waited for an answer before placing his hand on the side of Namjoon's face. He smiled as Namjoon moved his face over to kiss the palm of Jimin's small hand.

Jimin blushed at the action and pulled his hand away slowly making sure that Namjoon was still fast alseep.

Jimin giggled at the older before jumping at the sound of his phone going off. As Jimin managed to slip out of Namjoon's grasp, he looked at his phone to see a text from Jong-In. His brows furrowed in confusion as he began texting his co-worker/ friend.

As Jimin clicked on the link he had chills go down his spine

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As Jimin clicked on the link he had chills go down his spine. His heart started to beat faster in a state of panic as he seen the title of the article and the photo of him with Namjoon walking on the street together. His eyes began to water as he looked closer to notice that he was holding hands with Namjoon.

He whipped his eyes before reading quietly to himself.

'Successful business owner Kim Namjoon seen on date with employee

Earlier last week Local business owner Kim Namjoon was spotted walking around with one of his employees, Park Jimin, from restaurants to stores.

They were spotted holding hands as they walked close to one another and some even said theyg had swore they has seen a kiss on the cheek and lips.

Namjoon has been known for being a very successful independent man by the time he was a graduate in high school and a early college student by already taking over his father's occupation and updating the status in less than three months.

By the time he was 19 he had already made over $2.6 billion under his name, all being in the time span of five whole months.

Mr. Park on the other hand was hired soon after by Namjoon and and was recruited to be his assistant just two years ago.

Daily uploads have also been posted on the website by Park Jimin since last year and have frequently mentioned time skips and office breaks and travel plans to show how busy Namjoon is with running the business and to show those who are willing to come in to find a free day that matches with the company's.

Some other websites are starting to speculate that Mr. Park is sleeping with Namjoon for the money and others are coming up with other wild stories.

All pointing right to this picture.'

Tears started forming in Jimin's eyes as he turned his phone off and placed itg down beside him. He couldn't stop thinking of how hard he had worked to get to where is is now and how much damage this was causing to Namjoon's family name. He couldn't help but let sobs slip put of his mouth and soon he began full on crying.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes before sitting up immediately, "Jimin what's wrong?" He placed his hand on Jimin's back as a suddenly a buzz went off.

Jimin flipped his phone around and covered his mouth as a unknown message popped up, who ever sent it called him a slut. Suddenly more started apearing.

Slut, attention whore, gold digger, all the nasty names made Namjoon grow angry. Namjoon grabbed Jimin's face, "Hey," Jimin started to sniffle, "Whays going on?"

Jimin suddenly wrapped his arms around Namjoon and began frantically crying, "I-I'm a w-whore-"

"No you're not! What going on!"

Jimin started to take in deep breaths as he unlocked his phone and handed it to Namjoon.

As he read the article his heart sank. As his eyes scanned over the words over and over until he too had tears in his eyes, "Jimin. . . I'm so sorry."

He handed the youngers phone back and slicked back his hair, "For what?"

He looked into Jimin's eyes, "This, everything . . . I'm sorry about us. . ."

"Namjoon, don't say that. I wanted us, I still want us! Just last night you told me how much you loved me!"

Namjoon smiled, "I still love you, I'll always feel that way." His smiled faded, "But we can't do this now."

Jimin nodded his head, "We can't give them what they want now... so are we-"

"No." Jimin didn't need to finish that sentence, "I'm not breaking up with you."

Jimin stood up, "Then I guess we'll have to take a break to show everyone that it's not true?"

Namjoon smiled, "I'm sorry baby. I never wanted things to be this way."

"I love you. I know that."

The two men smiled and looked deep jnto one another's eyes before hugging. Jimin began sobbing and Namjoon pulled Jimin closer.

Before letting go of the hug Namjoon kissed the top of Jimin's head and choked on his own words, "You know that this can ruin yours and my reputations if we are seen alone together again, right?"

Jimin nodded his head before Kissing the olders lips one last time, "I know..."

Namjoon sighed, "I'm sorry things have to be this way-"

"As long as you don't leave me, I'll be okay."

"I love you Jimin."

Jimin whipped away a tear from Namjoon's face, "I love you too."

Namjoon pulled Jimin closer before letting him go, "I'll fix all of this... I promise."

Jimin smiled, "I know you will." He whipped away his own tears, "I know you can, I believe you will."

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