▪ Chapter 18 ▪

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Jimin looked deep into the mirror as he began crying off his hair, he looked around Namjoon's bathroom with a childish grin. He could only imagine what it would be like to use that bathroom everyday, what it would be like to take showers like this all the time.

When he stepped away from his own fascination, he dropped his towel that was tied around his waist and began changing into his 'dinner clothes'. It was a pair of tight work pants with the same white shirt he had on at work.

He smirked to himself as he only buttoned it up midway from his chest to his neck. Namjoon will get a kick out of this.

As he made his way out of the bathroom he paused in the hallway, he knew that Namjoon had an office a few doors down, he always kept the doors shut to that room. That's why Jimin walked towards the halfway opened door.

He was hesitant to open the door fully at first, but soon enough he grew enough courage to push it forward quietly. His jaw dropped slightly open when he looked around to see papers slung around the room. Furniture looked like it was pushed out of place and a vace looked like it had been chucked at the wall was now shattered all over the floor and water was still damp on the wall.

Did he really do this?

Jimin walked closer to the desk and see files that were shredders by hand all over the top of the desk. A shattered picture frame laid still on top of the mess. It was a photo of him and Jimin from their first business trip together.

Jimin looked around the room and only shivered at the idea of what words could have been said during the storm of anger.

He took in a deep breath and began to make his way back to the hallway. On his way down the stairs he could smell the food that Namjoon was cooking. His stomach growled slightly before he turned the corner to the kitchen.

Namjoon turned around and looked at Jimin's open shirt with a sly smile, the crimson on Jimin's face was burning, "You look nice Jimin."

Jimin laughed to himself at the complement but suddenly stopped when he imagined the room again. Namjoon's office was a mess, all because of what?

"Something wrong Jimin?"

Jimin snapped back into reality when he heard Namjoon's question, "What?"

Namjoon laughed slightly, "You seem tense, is something on your mind?"

Jimin thought about the office and looked down nervously, "Y-your office door was o-open. . ."

Namjoon raised his brows nervously, "You did?"

Jimin rubbed his neck at the serious tone in the olders voice, "Yeaj, it was a wreck-"

"Promise me you won't go snooping around again."

Jimin looked up, "I wasn't snooping, the door was open." Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek keeping silent. Jimin shook his head as Namjoon crossed his arms, "Don't get mad at me! This is the first time I get to have you to myself in weeks, I don't deserve to be yelled at!"

"I'm not yelling at you, you're the only one yelling."

"I could see it in your eyes that you wanted to tell at me."

"But I didn't yell at you, you're just being paranoid about it."

Jimin clenched his fist, "No I'm not, I just don't want to fight you on our night we are together. What even happened up there."

Jimin instantly regret asking because the fear in Namjoon s eyes was bright, "If I tell you, I'm afraid you'll leave me."

Jimin walked over to Namjoon and smiled, "I'm not going anywhere."

Namjoon placed his hands on Jimin's waist as he pulled the smaller male closer to his body, "I was trying to get over the whole thing. . . So I got carried away destroying things."

Jimin pulled Namjoon s faced close to his and paused, he noticed a hint of makeup on his left cheek. He licked his hand and began whipping it away. He gasped as he seen a light purple bruise on his cheekbone, "Namjoon-"

Namjoon pushed Jimin away slightly and slugged as he turned back to the food, "I got a little wreckless okay."

Jimin looked down, "And all those ripped up papers? The vase? When was this?"

"The vase was thrown this morning, the papers all over time, and our picture I had set up. . . That wasn't supposed to happen."

Jimin felt the pit in his stomach grow as he watched Namjoon's smile faded away, his bright tone no longer even noticeable. "I still love you. I'm not leaving."

Namjoon snamiled and turned his head towards Jimin, "I guess I have the tendency to break things. . ."

Jimin frowned as he leaned against the olders males shoulders, "Did you hurt yourself in the act?"

Namjoon turned off the shower and placed a lid over the food, "I cut my hand and have a few scrapes around my body, a few hidden bruises-"

Jimin grabbed Namjoon by the collar of his shirt and pulled him over to the island in the kitchen, "You need to be careful~" Jimin whispered with a small smirk.

Namjoon placed his hands on Jimin's waist, "I'll try baby." He moved the things that were behind Jimin and pulled him up to sit on the counter.

Jimin whined as he grabbed onto the older tightly to keep him from turning away, "Namjoon~"

"What Jiminie?"

Jimin leaned closer to the olders face and let out a sharp pant, "I'm hungry."

"Yeah, I know I just made Duk Mando Guk for us." Namjoon laughed.

Jimin bit his lip, "But im hungry for something else~" he whined.

Namjoon smirked and he raised one brow as Jimin hopped off the counter, "Let's eat what I made, I've already dessert planned out."

Jimin frowned as he walked into the eating room and pulled out a chair a tgg the table, "Better be ice cream!"


Those of you who don't know what Duk Mando Guk is, it's a rice cake and noodle soup

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Those of you who don't know what Duk Mando Guk is, it's a rice cake and noodle soup. In my opinion it's a yummy Korean dish, I recommend it.

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