▪ Chapter 15 ▪

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The whole day after Jimin had left the office people had questioned what he was called in for. When asked he would respond saying something about future meeting plans and the trip that was coming up the next week.

After a while of answering with only half the truth Jong-In finally pulled Jimin aside when the where leaving the copy room, "What really happened in there?"

Jimin's eyes focused on his friends and he let out a sigh, "You'll be mad at me for crawling back to him... your the only one who knows about us dating-"

"Crawling back?" Jong-In raised one eyebrow at Jimin and crossed if arms.

Jimin let out another sigh, "He said he missed me, so I didn't answer but then he started to beg for me to say it back and itg hurt to see him like that and after saying I felt the same I cried a little bit in his arms as he hugged me and he told me he wanted to kiss me so I ask what's holding you back as I straddled him and then we kissed."

Jong-In coughed and sat down on small table in the copy room, "My first question, How in the hell did you spit all of that information into one sentence, I could have written a book with what you just gave me. Seccond question, WHAY THE HE'LL DID YOU DO!"

Jimin waved his arms around, "Keep your damn voice down!" He sighed and then rubbed the back of his neck, "I kissed him, well he kissed me sorta. We kissed each other but only because I told him he could," Jimin bit his lip, "Who you be mad if I told you there's more?"

Jong-In smirked, "You're gonna see him tonight aren't you?"

Jimin blushed, "I deserve this! Three weeks without him! Do you know how hard that is?"

The two started laughing as Jong-In collected his papers and headed towards the staplers and whole punches, "Way to go Jimin~"

"Can it won't ya!" Jimin began laughing as he pulled out a paper from his files, "Now thanks to you I have to stay in here and do each and every single paper one by one."

Jong-In grabbed the file, "What is it anyway?"

Jimin sighed, "I have to have thirty-seven papckts printed out for the meeting for next week, each has sixteen pages." He raised a brow as he input the numbers for the first page, "Not o my do I semble them, but I have to find a hotel by the end of the day and already have reservations booked in for four people. Apparently Hoseok has to tag along aside me, Namjoo, and Yoongi."

"They should really change the name of this whole thing. I wouldn't consider it as a meeting of you'll be gone for a whole week just to discuss, well whatever it is this meeting is about."

Jimin laughed, "Yeah, well you better get back to your desk, I have a feeling Jungkook and Taehyung will be dropping by to search through your backs to see if you have anything 'good'."

With that Jimin was left alone making copies and such when he looked down as his phone, "Its almost 6, I leave around 11:30..."

Jimin sighed and started making a phone call as he pulled out a pad of paper and a pen, "Hello, hi my name is Mr. Park, I'm looking to see if you have two rooms that are next to one another... no I need to know by today, yeah pretty unprofessional of me to call in now but at leastg I'm doing my job and looking."

While writing down some information Jimin realised that he already need to put in the new page. He grabbed the stack of paper and placed it down on the table, "Yeah all of nextg week, we leave Sunday morning."

As Jimin continued multitasking Namjoon walked into the room with a few papers and smiled to see Jimin harm at work. He felt bad though.

After a few moments of writing down prices and possible room numbers Jimin looked up to see Namjoon glaring down at him with a smile, "Hold that for one seccond, thanks." He put the phone on mute and satg it down, "What are you doing?"

"Sam to you, you seem a little busy, may am help you out with anything?"

Jimin looked at the copier and then back down at his phone, "Well you did tell me that k needed to have everything to you by the end of the day-"

"I never said that I wouldn't help you silly." Namjoon reached down and picked up the phone, "Sorry about that but Mr. Park had something that needed to be taken care of, now where did you two last leave off?"

As Namjoon continued talking to the lady on the other side of the line Jimin worked on getting all the papers together and having the packets semi-ready.

Jimin sighed after the last stack was separated and Namjoon had finished looking for a hotel, "That took a little too long if you ask me."

Namjoon laughed and handle Jimin a stapler and some paperclips, "Yeah, I think I liked the last hotel better. They said they would cut us an offer if we not only gave them a good rating but they said that since we are a business name that flows around possitivly thought their building they would love to have us not worry about spending so much money on a place to sleep and eat along with travel."

Jimin snickered at the olders words, "You sure do enjoy this don't you?"

"I'm a man that endures in business, of course I enjoy it. No I just thought it was a good deal, I even heard from my pal Jin that they had very high ratings and they had a business suit for times like these."

Jimin smiled as Namjoon kept on talking, "Do the offer us little mints and carry our bags up to our rooms?"

Namjoon began laughing as he placed his hand over Jimin's, "Don't make fun of them, you haven't even been there. Don't knock it till you try it."

Jimin rolled his eyes and interlocked his hand with Namjoon's, "I guess I can call back later, but before that I need to put these files and and sortg out throughout the computer's saved data from last year's meeting, we had some great points we dragged along with us while reviewing, Maybe we can used them again this year but spruce them up."

Namjoon smiled atg Jimin, flashing his dimple, "Then we need to talk~" As he wink at Jimin he stood up and gave Jimin a kiss on the cheek as he walked out of the room.

Jimin placed his fingertips on the spot and laughed, "Always leaving me wanting more." Jimin laughed to himself as he stood up and began gathering his things, "I just wish I could do more for you."

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