▪ Chapter 24 ▪

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Namjoon sat up and folded his hands together, gently placing his chin on his hands. The girl finally spoke up, "What are we all here for?"

"What exactly do you three think you're doing?" They all looked around at each other in confusion and then back to Namjoon. "Does assaulting Mr. Park in hallway f-seven sound familiar?"

Namjoon watched as their faces all turned pale. One of the two men looked down with a disappointed expression plastered on his face. Mrs. Young smirked and stood up, "Sir, may I speak to you alone for a moment?"

Namjoon gritted his teeth, "No you may not. I know what you're planning on doing, you have seduced almost every man in this building, even twink one and twink two right here. You th I k you can really make a mark on me just so you and your toys here can keep your jobs?"

One of the men sat up, "Wait are you about to fire us!"

Namjoon smirked and stood up, making his way around his desk and towards the door. The three watched in shock as he opened his office door, "I guess you all can consider yourselves unemployed. You're fired, pack your shit and leave."

They stood up and walked out of Namjoon's pffice, Mrs. Young scrubbing her noise up in disgust, Namjoon smiled as he watched them leave. He looked over at Jimin who was speaking with Jong-In.

Namjoon smiled and walked back into his office. He sat down at his desk and looked out the window. He soon began letting his thoughts  carry him into a deep sleep.


Namjoon opened his eyes to a gentle tap on his cheek, Jimin was standing above him, "It's time to go home Joonie~"

He smiled at the nickname and looked at the time. His eyes widened and his mouth opened, "Its almost twelve Jimin, why didn't you wake me sooner!"

Jimin looked down flustered, "I kinda got busy working on some things and then got distracted watching you sleep."

Namjoon sighed and rubbed his temples, "At least you somewhat did your job today-"

Jimin crossed his arms and stood up, "And by that you mean what?"

Namjoon looked into Jimin's eyes and smiled softly, "What I ment was with everything that has happened, at least you got something done today."

Jimin sighed and took a step closer to Namjoon's desk, "I'm ready to go home now."

Namjoon nodded and stood uo, gathering his things quickly. He admired that Jimin referred to his house as home. It made Namjoon feel special.

As the two walked out of the office and made their way to the elevator Jimin blushed and took a hold of Namjoon's arm. A smile formed across the olders face.

Jimin took in a breath as he flopped down on the bed, "I'm so tired~"

Namjoon walked into the bedroom and began to undress from his work clothes, "I can tell." He joked, Jimin rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. His eyes fixed to one particular spot. Namjoon noticed this and looked closer at the youngers expression. "Are you okay?"

Jimin didn't answer for a minute, he just continue to lose himself in his thoughts before sitting up. "I'm fine, why?" He shyly smiled as he watched Namjoon unbutton his undersirt. Loading eye contact he watched the olders hands.

Namjoon smirked and peeled the fabric away from his body, he took a few steps towards Jimin, "You looked upset about something."

The younger shook his head, even though he knew it was true, he couldn't seem to find it in himself to tell Namjoon the truth, "I'm okay Joon."

Namjoon lifted Jimin's chin, making the small boy look up at him. Namjoon frowned and closed his eyes momentarily before softly whispering, "Your poor body is covered in bruises. . ." He looked at Jimin jawline and noticed a large purple-red area, he also seen one never Jimin's neck, "and they're  not the pretty one's from me."

Jimin blushed madly and stood up slightly, he wrapped his arms around Namjoon and took in a deep breath. He whispered quietly to Namjoon, "Y-you can leave some if you want."

Namjoon laughed in a low seductive tone, "You've got enough on your body, I don't want it to look like you got jumped after work."

Jimin pouted before letting go, "Well they don't have to be visible~"

Namjpon walked over to his closet and finished changing onto his comfortable clothes, putting away his suit he threw on grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Jimin changed into nothing but his boxers. Namjoon stood confused before he realised what was wanted. He slowly took off his shirt and tossed it at the young male.

Jimin smiled and and quickly tossed on the shirt. Namjoon sat down and waved for Jimin yo come over to him.

The two laid in the large bed, talking about anything that came to mind. Slowly Jimin fell alseep, curled up next to Namjoon.

Namjoon waited about 15 minutes to make sure Jimin was fully unconscious. He carefully sloped out of the youngers grasp and headed out the bedroom.

As he walked throughout the hallway he let out a deep sigh before stepping into his office. He walked over to his desk and looked out the large window.

He took in a deep breath and let out a worn sigh. With a meloncolic look weeping in his eyes he placed his hands over his face. He pushed his hair back and stood up.

Turning back around quickly, he look at his desk. In one quick motion, he visously pushed everything off the side of his desk. For the past few weeks Namjoon has been ruining his office out of frustration. And it really starting to show.

Namjoon continued to throw things around, smashing a large glass figure against the desk top.

A few minutes past before Jimin finally pushed the door open enough to see Namjoon hovering about the desk. Namjoon looked over in shock, "Jimin?"

Jimin walked into the room and looked around, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Namjoon smiled softly and rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess I lash out when I'm frustrated or mad. . . Sometimes stressed out."

Jimin walked up to Namjoon and placed his hand on Namjoon's, "I think I know why." He smiled warmly, "Come back to bed."

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