▪ Chapter 16 ▪

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Namjoon sighed as he watched his phones watch, he was stalking the time. Impatiently waiting for the time to see Jimin, he stood up and headed over towards the window.

It was rainy outside still. It seemed since the day Namjoon and Jimin had to part the rain had only became an every other day thing. He smiled as  he looked around the city lights. The sky was lit up and you could badly see the starts but if Namjoon squinted hard enough he could see the shimmer of a few here and there.

He jumped slightlyf at the sound a a buzz on his phone. When he turn around he seen that his phone was still on. He laughed to himself as he took a few steps forward and seen that he had a text from Jimin.

A smile appeared on his face, he was imagining that maybe it was a text saying he was finished with everything and he was ready to see Namjoon at his office or maybe even leave the building in general.

"Shit Jimin." His eyes widened as he looked down at the conversation.

Namjoon smirked to himself and laughed. He began typing.

Namjoon smirked at the last message. Yes sir! He loved it when Jimin called him that. Not only did the name have a controlling power over it, but whenever Jimin said the name towards Namjoon it sent a electric shot through the olders veins.

Namjoon closed his doors and began walking around the halls till he found the doors to the meeting room. On the doorhandles hung a sign that read "don't disturb while important topics and business is disused".

Namjoon Laughed as he slipped past the doors. He smirked to see Jimin sitting on the table with his legs crossed, shirt still opened up, "Good boy."

Jimin smiled and letg his legs hang off the edge of the ravle, his feet didn't come close to touching the floor, "I am a good boy~"

Namjoon walked up closer to Jimin as he took off his jacket, "But if you send more pictures like that I don't think I'll be able to say 'good' anymore."

Jimin bit his lip as he grabbed Namjoon's tie, pulling him down and kissing his jawline, "But it was a gift~"

Namjoon slammed his hands on the table by Jimin's side's making the small boy jump, "You're lucky that nobody else is on this floor, I checked."

Jimin opened his legs so Namjoon could move closed to him, "W-hy'd you go and do that?" He took in a small breath and one of Namjoon's hands began untucking Jimin's shirt, "You knew I was here."

Namjoon's laugh and a deep pit form in the bottom of Jimin's gut, "Because I don't want you to be so loud that someone else here's you." Namjoon pulled off his tie and put Jimin's hands around the youngers back, eventually tying them together, "Only I get to hear you."

Jimin smirked at how excited Namjoon was getting, "So you think tying my hands together is going to keep me quiet-"

"Where did you put your tie?"

Jimin blushed and nodded his head to a neat little pile of thinks of th e kind end of the table. Namjoon smirked as he walked over to it. Jimin raised a brow, "Making a gag?"

Namjoon smirked as he looked up at Jimin, "Get a close look at me."

Jimin shook his head in denial, "Please make a gag, I want to look at you~" he whined, "I'll be good!"

Namjoon bit his lip and leaned into Jimin's lips, melting in the connection. After a few seccond he felt Jimin's tounge slip over his bottom lip, she he let Jimin enter. He quickly took over and pushed Jimin back on the table, sliding on hand in the youngers shirt, the other on his face.

Jimin arched his back, giving him room for his hands, "Namjoon-" Namjoon looked into the youngers eyes and smirked. Jimin blushed and looked down, "There's still people in the building and I. . ." He paused, "N-nevermind continue on."

Namjoon stood up straight pulling Jimin up with him, "What is it?" He waited in Jimin to answer but he didn't, "Answer me or I'll leave you here like this-"

"I want to go home with you~" Namjoon's eyes traveled down to the floor and Jimin instantly regret his decision, "Or not, I can wait lon-"

"We could have more fun at home." Namjoon started up, "But you'll need to get work clothes. We could drop by your place and then go home-"

"Why do you keep saying just 'home'. I don't live there it's your house." Jimin asked sweetly.

Namjoon picked Jimin up off the table and untied his wrists with a small laugh, "What if I told you I wanted you there more, like everyday."

Jimin turned around with a shocked noise, "Are you saying that-"

"Come live with me for a few days.  If it doesn't work then we don't have to tell anyone."

Jimin rubbed the back of his head, "We wouldn't tell anyone anyways."

Namjoon laughed, "Because we have to be secret."

"I feel like a dirty burdon on your family name."

Namjoon grabbed Jimin by the hips, "You're not a burdon, you're  a secret. You're my dirty little secret, all mine."

Jimin laughed and stood on his toes to places a gently kiss on Namjoon's lips. When he pulled away he smiled, "I'll have to grab more than one suit."

Namjoon laughed, "We'll stop by your house and pack some clothes."

Jimin smiled and walked over to his stuff, "Imagine how many people are going to be jealous of me if they find out about this."

"I'd be shocked if most of those people wanted you instead, well to bad because I'm not sharing. I want you for myself."

Jimin laughed as he slipped on his clothes and grabbed his folders, "On the way out we should just talk about next week's business trip, but make sure we mention the criteria and stuff so the ladies at the front desk don't suspect us."

Namjoon smirked as he held open the door for Jimin, "My you catch on fast."

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