008. the contract

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The next two days pass by rather quickly and before I knew it there were only three days left. I spent the days by the lake, sunbathing or swimming. I ate the apples from my mother's garden.

It might be surprising, but I didn't see Sebastian that much during those two days. He went golfing with my father every morning and went to play pool with the men around the cul de sac at night. When we did see each other, we were polite but we never exchanged anything other than a small 'hello' or a 'the weather is nice today.'

I figured today would be the same, swimming by the lake, eating some fresh fruits from the garden, listening to music and watching Netflix at night. I was very wrong.

"Katherine, do you mind getting out of the pool? I need to talk to you." My mom said. Obviously I thought she would scold me for something so I was automatically a bit anxious. Looking back, I didn't really find anything I did wrong, so I was also confused. Maybe she just wanted to converse with me.

"Tomorrow is a big day."

I look at her expectantly, "Huh?" I reply. Sitting down on the chair and wiping my body with a towel.

"Oh, I know it's on a late notice, but there's going to be a ball tonight. EVERYONE is going." Mom said, emphasizing on the word 'everyone.'

"A ball? Who still goes to those things? It's 2019! " Sebastian interrupts as he emerges from the pool and plops down next to me, soaking me in the water yet again. It's not that I don't want to get all dolled up and be super beautiful. The fact that I had to go out and buy a dress, put extra work into my makeup, and all around add some additional effort in my looks made me a little overwhelmed.

"Well, since you probably don't have a gown," she looks at me, "or a tux," she looks at Seb. "Both of you can get to the mall, like now." My mom checks her watch. It was only 10 in the morning, though.

"Mom, it's kinda still early. Isn't it?" I shoot a pointed look at Sebastian, urging him to agree. It was way too early for dress shopping.

"It's never too early!" My mom protested, feigning delirium. I discreetly roll my eyes.


"It's fine, Kay and I can spend time with each other. Get brunch or whatever..." Sebastian interjects. I open my mouth to speak, but again I am cut off.

"That's wonderful!" My mother cheerfully says. She's been wanting to get Sebastian and I together since I turned 18. She's always been the meddling type and she said the only reason why was because my mom thought I couldn't get a boyfriend on my own.

"Cool, Alright." Sebastian says, now his voice is barely a whisper. I feel his hands grasp the sides of my arms and stand me up with him. He guides me to the garage as my mom waves and says goodbye.

"This is how you sell it." Sebastian whispers into my ear, I shiver at his hot breath. For a moment I see something in his eyes as he stares at me, but it's gone once I start to notice it. Weird.

"Sebastian, wait! We n-need to change out of swimsuits..." I say, digging my heels into the ground and stop myself from being guided around by Sebastian any further. He bursts out laughing. I watch him cackle loudly as his face turns purple from laughing so much. Was it really that funny?

He rests his warm hand on my shoulder again and I feel my face warm up again. Was it just me or was he being really touchy?




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