024. sno-ed in

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I watched as the snow fell from the sky. We were getting pretty high up the mountain. The car was packed with Seb, Josh, Joane, and Tiffany.
I was asleep for most of the ride, but when I was awake I had my Airpods in at all times. Tiff and Joane were chatting about some stupid topic I couldn't be bothered to join in on.

I was in the passengers seat, while Sebastian was driving all of us. Josh looked bored in the back, I felt bad for him.

Suddenly, the cold was getting to me. Even though I was wearing a thick sweater, the temperature was dropping. I shivered.

Sebastian noticed it, and he grabbed my hand with his left hand and kept his right one on the steering wheel.

"Cold?"He asked. I almost forgot to answer, as I grew red with embarrassment.

"Y-yeah. A bit."

He nods, briefly lets go of my hand to adjust the air conditioner in the car, and goes back to holding it. The blush was probably prominent on my face, but I didn't care. I could pass it off as a cold.

Sooner or later, I listen to music the rest of the way and we finally get there.

"Thank god! I was beginning to get cramped up in there!" Tiff says, stretching in front of the car.

"Yeah, and I couldn't stand you anymore too." Josh teases, giggling to himself. "I heard that, moron." Tiffany says, eyes pointed at Josh, ready to whack him in the head with her laptop. Her legs were hammered down into the snow, as if she was a statue. Her lips pursed together like they were star-crossed lovers and her right eye was twitching.

"I was just kidding!" Josh could be heard yelling as she chased him around the mountain inn.

"Are you going to ski?" Sebastian asks me some time later after we put out stuff in our rooms. All five of us were now chilling in the lobby as Tiff and Josh went to get their ski gear.

"I don't know how. I might just go and play in the snow." I reply, not daring to look up at him. Sebastian and Joane were going to snowboard. I felt a little useless, but I loved snow, so it was the only thing I could do.

"I could teach you how to snowboard." He offers, intertwining his hands with mine again. But I yank it away, quickly.

"Uh, that's fine! I'd probably break my leg trying." I laugh it off, inching further and further away from him. Tiffany and Josh come back with the ski gear.

"Thanks for offering, though!" I say quickly. I use Tiffany to my advantage and I drag her away.

"Let's go to the hot tub!"

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