Chapter 12

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Don't ask what possessed me to stroke Sandra's cheek after I complete lost myself in her captivating gaze.

Even Yunho stared at me after I happened to look his way, a big frown on his face.

I never took my arm off Sandra, either. Not until we got to the paintball shooting grounds.

I just couldn't control myself, is all I had as an excuse.

When I'm getting out of the van, I am confronted by a not so cheerful San, that changed that expression as soon as the cameras go back on.

"Where are we?" Sandra questioned out loud, observing the new place we now were.

"Paintball games. You'll have so much fun." Hong Joong promised Sandra.

"Awesome! I have never done this before. I hope I don't make a fool of myself." She giggled, looking nervous.

"Just have fun." I say to her, ruffling her ponytail before walking over to the rest of the members that waited at the front entrance, and the instructor would explain how this will go down. Along with the producers of the reality.

I decide to be even more daring and took Sandra's hand to lead her over to the group. Some Atinys are going to be a bit upset...

I still had in my head, the sound of her breath that had paused completely for a few seconds, and how it was released in a shaky way. She was completely entranced and couldn't make herself cut off our locking of eyes.

I cause all of doesn't cease to amaze me.

Sandra went to go change into the clothes that were chosen for her. Afterwards she would receive goggles and the protective helmets we all would use.

When she comes back, I had to hold in my gasp. The cameras were on, and I couldn't do anything noticeable.

Those clothes looked so good on her. I wasn't even able to turn away from her, who walked towards me. That smirk she had on her lips, seemed to say she knew I was staring or that she knows she looks hot. Probably both.

The instructor began giving us all we needed to know about the games, and then showed us how the paintball guns were used.

Afterwards, we are split up into two separate groups, one would have four and the other five. It wouldn't be a significant difference.

The best thing was that Sandra was going to be in my group, and San on the other. Oh, I'm going to have some fun today, there's no doubt.

We are taken to the forest grounds, and then separate with our designated groups to strategize first.

"I think San is going to be like a Rambo, from what I have seen in Codename at Gapyeong." Sandra laughed quietly, even if she also seemed to be a little scared, but not because of San.

"You'll do great, Sandy." I reassured her, patting her shoulder lightly. I couldn't hold back my smile at her cute expression when I did that.

I was given a gun that was a bit heavier than hers, because of the difference in weight and other factors. I know she would do awesome.

After Hong Joong, the leader in the group here as well, gave us the game plan, we move to the hiding spots.

I thought it was funny how Hong Joong would be our leader for the game too, but it's the best option.

The prize of who scores the most points, would be money to eat whatever we want and go to the shopping stores at the local mall . I wanted to buy her something, even if I had no idea what yet.

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