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while jade was upstairs "getting her guts rearranged" as she would call it, alexis was downstairs dealing with bigger problems.

about an hour and a half into alexis being at the party, she decided to separate with edwin and go get something else to drink as well as meet some new people.

"you better bring me some back." he says and she laughs loudly.

"not your maid, honoret."

"please?" he says obnoxiously loud and she brings her hands up and plugs her ears.

"okay! just loud for nothing." she says, walking away.

on her way from the boy's home studio to the kitchen, she passed many people. a lot of them stopped her to introduce themselves because they didn't know her. this seemed like a close knit group of people. even though there were so many of them, everyone knew each other.

alexis passed the big glass doors to the backyard where the pool was located. she saw the caramel skinned boy who had parted ways with her and edwin only thirty minutes before. he was outside, standing on a pool chair. she smiled to herself. he had his head tilted back and many people cheered him on as he drank straight from a bottle of hennessy.

after just taking a quick shot for herself and making edwin a drink, she made her way to the living room, seeing brandon and austin talking to each other at the bottom of the stairs.

"hey austin. hey b." the girl says as her lips curl up into her rather stunning smile. it warmed the two boys' hearts. if you didn't know her, you wouldn't know the pain she has endured. the girl was very strong, but she had built wall upon wall around herself. she didn't need to start loving someone and then have something happen to them so that they're ripped away from her again. they say hi back to her in unison as brandon pulls her into a tight hug. austin followed him, but only pulled her into a side hug. he refused to even be associated with cheating again, though ansley trusted both him and alexis deeply.

"how's the party?" Brandon asks, keeping his arm around her shoulders. it is really hard for alexis to understand how maggie trusted the flirtatious boy so much, but she did.

"really good, actually." alexis answers and austin continues the conversation. "yeah?"

"yeah." she answered. "I know I said I wasn't really the party type, but the people here are really chill. and edwin has good taste in music." she smiles at the two boys.

"that's great because we want you to come to many more." brandon says, poking his lip out, as if pleading for her to say she would.

"yeah, i don't see why i wouldn't." she says to them. Austin grins at her at that one and both of the boys say 'yay!' like excited schoolgirls. they each bring their free hand up moving their fingers rapidly as if doing "jazz fingers" and touched them to each other while squealing.

alexis laughs at them and pulls herself from under brandon's arm.

"hey, do you guys know where jade is?" she says with that smile still on her face. she had passed all the boys so she figured kayley was probably near jade, since for some reason kayley found nick 'intimidating'.

"she went upstairs with nick. i'm like 97% sure they're about to fuck, but i guess we'll find out soon." austin says to her. her eyebrows meet as she stares at them in confusion.

"what do you mean?"

"i mean when they're fucking, we will know. for some reason, nick has no respect for anyone's sleep or well being when he has her scr-" alexis cuts him off.

fuck buddies; nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now