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nick groaned as he fluttered his eyes open. he had been tossing and turning for the last five minutes, trying his hardest to go back to sleep but he knew that his body wouldn't let him. 

jade was currently big spooning him. he laid on his side and the girl's leg was draped over his body and she had her arms wrapped around him. he was trying to make an escape plan, but the minute he would get out of bed, she would wake up like she was never sleep.

he had to go to the studio with the boys today and it would be the first time in a while he wasn't with jade all day. 

truthfully, he never wanted to leave jade's side. he trusted her, or at least he wanted to. he didn't like how close she was with z or edwin, he didn't like how flirtatious brandon was with her, altthough he's like that with everyone, and he didn't want jade alone with alexis. he knew their past and he didn't want anyone else's hands on what was his. he didn't even want them to think about it. 

he sighed and slipped away from her grasp and crawled off of the bed. very shortly after, the girl haphazardly moved her body around the bed in an attempt to reconnect her body with nick's. she was missing his warmth. when she couldn't feel him anywhere on the bed, her eyes shot open and she turned around to see nick putting his shirt on. she glanced at the clock that read 6:23 a.m. 

"where you going?" she asked sleepily and he smiled at her. 

"i gotta go to the studio with the boys. i'll come see you as soon as i get out." he says and she sits up on the bed. 

"mhm. you said that last time and instead you ditched me to hang out with your girlfriend that i didn't know about." she teases and he sighs. 

"jade, you told me you forgave me."

"and I did. I just- I want you to tell me the truth from now on is all." the boy nods and sits on the bed. 

"i wasn't lying to you because i wanted to be with both of you, jade. i had to let nai down easily." she nods understandably and reaches out for a hug. 

he hugs her tight and when they release she speaks again. 

"i guess while you're gone i'll try to talk to alexis." she sighs and the boy freezes up. 

"about what?" he asks and she looks at him like he's dumb. "our friendship. it's been rocky lately." 

"yeah but-" he kisses her. "she'll get over it." 

"nick. I haven't talked to her since the night of the party. she's been mad at me since then."

"well maybe it's because you got piped that night and she didn't get any." he says and jade rolls her eyes. 

she's sort of caught on to the fact that nick has been wanting to distance her from all of her friends. 

"you just don't want me to talk to her." jade tilts her head to the side and he goes to kiss it. 

"it's not that. i just- i don't want- the situation to get worse?" he says, and it comes out as more of a question. jade chooses not to pick any fights so she just agrees with him. 

alexis seems to hate nick for no reason. they can never get any peace in the house. they always have to go over to they boys' house to hang out. 

"okay, nick." she sighs. "I'll be waiting for you, yeah?" he smiles and nods at her. they both get off of the bed and she hugs him tightly. 

"i don't want you to go." she pokes her lips out and he laughs, rubbing his thumb over them. 

"go back to sleep, j. it's not even 7:00 yet." she gives him a thumbs up. but she knows she won't be going to sleep any time soon. she doesn't want him to know she's already this attached to him. she doesn't wanna come off as 'clingy'. 

fuck buddies; nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now