twenty four

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The boys were leaving for tour sooner than expected and no matter how much she tried, jade couldn't prepare herself for it. 

"go with us." nick pleaded, but jade declined. it sounded like a bad situation to put herself in. 

sure, she loved nick with her entire being, but  she didn't want to get in between the boys. 

in the least cocky way possible, she knew she could. she'd done it before. 

nick and edwin refused to talk to each other for two weeks once, all because nick was too protective over jade. 

nick was constantly threatening brandon, his best friend, in regards to jade. she watched him grab the taller boy by the collar and express to him that if brandon didn't stop being so flirtatious with her, nick would "snap his neck into fucking two. no cap." 

brandon never stopped, and nick knew he wasn't going to, but he still wanted him to see how serious he was.

not only was she scared to come in between the boys' relationships, she was completely and utterly terrified of the fans. 

as weak as it may seem, the young girl really did care what others thought of her. she was a people pleaser. she couldn't handle being around people that adore the boys to such an extent that they would decide if she was good enough or not. and what if she wasn't? she didn't want to hear the mean things they had to say to her. she can laugh them off when they're on the internet, but she didn't want to deal with it every tour stop.

she had spent the last couple of weeks deciding what she should do. she was seeming to be in some quarter-life crisis. she wasn't content with her life, at least on the career side of things. she took a gap year and her plan was to start at UCLA, but that plan was slowly withering away as the people in LA began to hate her more and more.

"j. speak to me." nick pleads. he can sense that something is wrong. he knows jade like the back of his hand. the way she fiddles with the necklace he got her when she's nervous. the way she tries her best to hide her beautiful smile from him when he makes her laugh. he knows how she bites the insides of her cheek when she's a little uncomfortable. he knows how much she values the people in her life. how she moved all the way from texas to help out a friend. and how she's staying here to be a shoulder for that friend, despite the cruelty she's receiving from her. 

he knows how she would much rather be submissive, and please nick when they're making love. he knows that when she starts involuntarily grinding her hips onto him that she's close to her climax. 

he loves the way she says his name. he loves the way she stares up at him innocently before doing the most wicked things to him, driving him insane. he loves how passionate she is. he loves how forgiving she is. he loves her.

he is 1000%, no doubt about it, absolutely in love with her.

she sighs, knowing that it will come out eventually. "i think i'm gonna go home." she stares blankly.  her hands messing with the green turtle-shaped stone on her neck. "jade. we are at your home, dumbass. i carried you here this morning." he says laughing.

when she never looses the serious expression on her face, his laughter died down and his smile faded away. "wait, like texas?" he asks with wide eyes and she nods.

"why?" he questions her, bringing his thumb up and rubbing her cheek and she gives him an honest answer, just not the whole truth.

"well, you're going on tour anyway so you won't be here."

"so you coming back when tours over?" he asks with a hopeful smile. it makes her melt. she doesn't want to see his face when she tells him that she's going to complete college in texas.

"not exactly..." his smile fades and he sits up.

"what do you mean?"

"i wanna go to college in texas."

"b-but you still have like six months left of your gap year-"

"i know, but i think it's what's best for me."

"please don't leave me j." he whines, trying to keep the mood light still.

"i have to, nick. your career is taking off and i want you to focus on that."

"but i am focusing on that." he grabs her hand. "can you not see how much good you've done for me in regards to all of that? in regards to my life in general?"

jade sighs, seeing the sadness in nick's eyes, though he's trying to keep it lighthearted. 

"nick, stop making it seem like i'm breaking up with you." she says, slinging one of her legs over nick's body and sitting up so she's straddling him. 

"i wanna be with you." she wraps her arms around the back of his neck.

"it's just the wrong time for me to be your main priority."

he chuckles, rubbing her bare legs. 

"seems a lot like break up words, mamas."

"i'm gonna go to texas. and we can facetime and text all the time. and i'm gonna come to both of your texas shows. and when tour is over and your life is a little less crazy, and when i can get a job that pays enough for me to have my own place in la, i'll come back, yeah?" she leans in to peck him on the lips and he sighs, not wanting her to leave.

"of course." she can see that the boy is unhappy with this situation, so she decides to try to make him feel better. 

jade leans down again, kissing him for a bit longer this time. she grinds on him slowly, creating friction. he groans a little, making her smile 

she continues her painfully slow teasing, nick a moaning mess under her. she feels him harden as she grows wetter at the sound of his pleasure. 

she pulls back, taking his shirt off of him, and throwing it across the room, and he pulls her in for yet another kiss. 

just then, her phone blares through the couple's ears and they both jump slightly. 

he picks up the phone and looks at the contact. "it's your mom. you should answer." he says. he's clearly frustrated. not because he didn't adore her mother, but because he was now really horny.

"yes?" jade asks on the person on the other side of the phone. theres a little silence, but nick could hear jade's replies.


"yeah, the thursday before they leave for tour."


"yes i'm sure."

"mom, i have it figured out." nick sneezes his ugly and unique sneeze and jade's mother's voice comes blaring out of the speaker.

"is that nicky poo!?" her mom asks and she attempts to lie. ""

"let me speak to him!" her mom ignores the answer to her rhetorical question. 

"hi mrs. smith!" nick speaks and jades mother goes on to embarrass her.

"did you break up with my daughter for those- what do you call it? groupies? on tour?" 

"MOM-" jade interrupts and nick chuckles slightly. 

"i love you, bye!"

he laughs at the girl's urgency to get her mother off of the phone, and he knew why. she knew her mom would just embarrass her more and that her dad, who wasn't too fond of nick, would say something totally outlandish. 

she silences her phone and resumes her teasing, kissing down his chest and down to his sweatpants. she pulled them down, her mouth watering at the sight.

"we won't be needing these."

fuck buddies; nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now