twenty two

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nick sat on the couch in his studio anxiously. his leg was shaking at a rapid speed and he tugged at his hair gently, something he only did when he was mad or nervous.

he was fighting himself over whether or not he should watch jade's snapchat story. he wanted to prove that he learned from his mistakes and that he trusted her. he wanted to do what she asked of him and not follow her every move and try to control her. after all, she said if she was in trouble she would call him. so that means she's fine...right?

he was worried about her. it honestly wasn't his trust for her that was being tested right now. it was his trust for everyone else, or a lack thereof. she went to a club completely alone to get blackout drunk and try to forget about him for the night. that's a terrible idea.

he glanced down at the screen, showing she just added to her story. he massaged his temples slowly and shrugged.

"one peek won't hurt." he mumbled to himself. "just to make sure she's okay." it seemed like he was convincing himself more than anyone else that he was just checking to make sure she's okay, because if she wasn't , she wouldn't be posting on her story. he really wanted to know what she was up to, or to see her beautiful face.

he sighed, tapping through her very long story. the girl was clearly drunk, she never posted this much. he wasn't really sure how she was getting her alcohol. she was only eighteen. but she damn sure had a whole lot.

he continued to click through her posts, seeing her record as some girl in a nude colored dress grinded on her. nick had anger running trough his veins at the sight of it, but he decided not to act on it. 'jade is loyal. there is no need to get worked up about some dancing.' he said to himself.

towards the end if the video, he noticed a very familiar tattoo on the mysterious girls' shoulder.

"nah..." he said to himself, catching the attention of brandon, who was working on a new beat.

"wassup?" brandon asked but was ignored by nick.

the short boy continued rewatching the video.

it couldn't be..

but it definitely was...

maybe that's a common tattoo?

he had just successfully convinced himself that the girl grinding on jade wasn't his ex-girlfriend when jade posted another video, making his heart fall completely out of his ass.

the already pale boy turned 50 shades whiter and started to look a little more green.

"yo, dude you look like you're about to pass out. what's going on?" brandon said, turning his body towards nick fully.

nick looked up at him, eyes wide and pigment gone, and pointed back down to his phone screen.

the boys watched the video in complete disbelief. there jade was, filming herself in a full on make-out session with nick's ex-girlfriend.

"is that...?"


it was definitely naila. there is no denying that. you could see her emerald green eyes and the little tattoo of the letter 'n' on her thumb as she held jade's face in her hands, sloppily kissing her.

nick was furious with jade. he really just wanted to fuck her until she got the point, but she was heavily intoxicated.

nick wanted to make being mad at jade his first priority, but making sure she was safe overthrew that as she watched jade clearly grinding on some weird dude as she had her tongue shoved down naila's throat.

fuck buddies; nick maraWhere stories live. Discover now