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Lately Adam and Wade had began teething. You made shaved ice for them to eat and even put apple juice in it. Adam actually didn't chew on very many things and seemed to be teething pretty well. Wade however would chew on anything he could get his hands on and he whined a lot when he wasn't chewing on something. Today when you had gotten off of work and picked Koda up from school you had gone to the store to buy teething gel and teething rings. Meanwhile Wheeljack was at home keeping an eye on Adam and Wade.

"Wade, please don't chew on that." Wheeljack said as he put one of Koda's toy cars somewhere else so that Wade couldn't chew on it.

Wade then burst into tears and started chewing on his hand. Adam however just sat on the floor calmly and watched Wheeljack try to calm Wade down.

As Wheeljack was trying to calm Wade down you and Koda walked into the house. When you heard crying you instantly knew what was going on. You and Koda quickly went into the kitchen so that you could wash the teething rings off and so that Koda could have an after school snack.

"Here, I got the teething rings and gel." You said as you walked into the living room and gave Adam a teething ring.

"It's about time, Wade wouldn't stop trying to chew on everything, including me." Wheeljack said.

You then opened the tube of teething gel and put some on Wade's gums. A few minutes later he stopped crying and finally relaxed.

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