Chapter 25

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In the shower Jungkook wondered if he really  knew the  man he  called  his  husband. His  thoughts  went  back  to when  he overheard Taehyung  and his  mother  mentioning  a certain she. It really  got him  thinking. Who  was  she.

"Over thinking is a  killer  of happiness .No more agonizing for today "he  shook his  thoughts  off.

After his shower  he slipped on a clean  pair of sweatpants and  a matching  hoodie dashing  out  afterwards for  dinner.

The  first  thing that  caught  his  eyes  when  he  got downstairs  was  Ara playing  on the  living  room  carpet  looking  much  better  than she  was  in the  afternoon.

He  stood  a few  steps  away  from  her and  waved."hie"

Ara's  first instincts  told  her  to cry and  so she  did.Jungkook  was startled  by the  sudden  outburst. She  crawled over  to him  and  went  over  to hug his  legs.

Jungkook 's  heart melted  at the  sight  and  took her  into  his  arms.He  went  to the  dinning  whilst  placing  various kisses  on her  chubby  teary face  making  her  giggle  uncontrollably.

With  the  baby  in his  arms  he  sat in his  chair and  placed  her  on his  lap facing  the  table. Everyone else  was  already  there.

"You  sure  took your  time"Taehyung  remarked  slyly.

"What  do you  think. I had  some  crubbing to do"Jungkook  shot  back.

"Jungkook looks  glowing  don't  you  say Taehyung? "Hyuna  asked  with  a knowing  look.

"You  are  right  mom. Usually  he  is a slave  to his  emotions. Something  good  might  have  happened "Taehyung  smirked.

He  was  replied  by Ara 's  little  hand  slamming  against  the  table.

"You got  the  cue .She  is hungry "Jungkook  said.

Hyuna handed  Jungkook  Ara's  bowel  that  had rice and  soup in it.She  started  clapping  her  hands  in excitement. Jungkook  fed her  lovingly. Everyone  else watched  them  fondly.

"I  guess  you  should  sleep  with  her tonight. I really  don't think  that she  plans  on letting  you  go"Hyuna smiled  at the  way Ara's  tiny hands  were  holding  on to Jungkook 's  cloth.

"I  agree "Taehyung  smiled.

Later  in the night Jungkook lay  awake with baby  Ara  on his  chest  snoring  cutely. Taehyung  was  holding  one of her foot  in his hand lovingly.

"She  is really  pretty, loveable and  adorable. I don't  know  what  I  was  thinking  when  I  rejected  such  an innocent  creature. I  still  hate  myself for  it"Jungkook  mumbled as his  chest  moved  in sync with  his  daughter 's  .

"Should  we boil you  in hot oil  for  it?"Taehyung  teased as  he  played  with the  toddler 's  tiny  feet.

"That's  mean "Jungkook pouted 

"So stop beating  yourself  about  it.Everyone  makes  mistakes "

"Like  how  I'm  probably  your  current  mistake? "

"Just  shut up.I'm  too  tired  to listen  to shit. It's  such  a good  night "Taehyung  inhaled  deeply  with  his  eyes  closed.

Both Taehyung  and Jungkook  slept  like  they  never  had before. When  morning came Hyuna  creeped into  their  room  and  clicked  a few  pictures of them.

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