Part twenty one

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Aaliyah couldn't believe everything that had happened. She had come on holiday with her boyfriend, and now she was on honeymoon with her husband. He was a lovable, soppy idiot, but he was her idiot. They were exploring Venice together, hand in hand. They loved taking selfies and making silly videos, and discovering new places. But they always made sure they had plenty of time for other stuff.

Soon, it was time to leave. Aaliyah couldn't believe her honeymoon was over. "Don't worry, every year on our anniversary, we'll come back" said Jameel, sensing how upset Aaliyah was. Aaliyah hugged him, and they left for the airport. Aaliyah felt sick on the plane, and kept throwing up. Jameel wrapped her up and told her to sleep.

After landing, Aaliyah went to the bathroom to freshen up. She threw up again. When they got home, Aaliyah went straight to bed. She felt awful. She must of eaten something or the flight must have taken it out of her thought Jameel as he watched her sleep. 

The next day, when Jameel came home from work, Aaliyah was up and about.

"Feeling better?"

"Much. Oh Jameel, there's a package for you by the door."

"A package? I didn't order anything."

"Well, open it. I'll go warm you something up to eat."

Jameel ripped the package open and found a letter inside. He read it aloud for Aaliyah to hear.

"Dear Jameel 

After much consideration, I have decided to choose you as my dad. I can't wait to hold your hand and learn about the world from you. See you in nine months.

                             Love, your baby."

Jameel hugged Aaliyah. "Are you serious?" "Yup." "How long have you known?" "Jameel, I'm a nurse. I'm in sync with my body. I had a feeling when I kept being sick. But I took a test this morning." "Thank you Aaliyah." "For what?" "First you gave me you, now your giving me a mini you." "Well, seeing as you did this to me, you better look after me." Jameel saluted and picked Aaliyah up, and took her upstairs. "My way of saying thanks." Aaliyah squealed with excitement.

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