Part thirty one

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Aaliyah couldn't stop smiling. Jameel was so besotted with his new daughter. He wouldn't let Aaliyah lift a finger, telling her she needed rest, seeing as she'd just given birth. Jameel did everything for his daughter. All Aaliyah did was breastfeed her. Sometimes, it felt that Jameel didn't have much time for his wife, but he always made sure she knew how much he loved her. Aaliyah knew she was lucky. Even after all this time, Jameel was besotted with her and couldn't keep his hands off her.

Aaliyah remembered when she first moved here. How cold and distant she'd been. But then Jameel had walked into her life, and turned it upside down. It was crazy thinking how horrible she'd been to him, in the beginning, but he'd slowly won her over. They were so happy and then Aaliyah made the decision to move away. It could of ruined them, but luckily Jameel was waiting for her to return. It was a bumpy beginning, but soon things got back on track.

Aaliyah had successfully sued the police department for wrongful arrest of Jameel. The case should never have gone to court, as there was no concrete evidence against him, and the evidence they said they had was paper thin. Full of holes. Aaliyah didn't like to remember the nights she spent without her husband. She was glad everything was ok now.

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