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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I stretched yawning. I clumsily got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth took of my clothes and stepped in the shower with a smile on my face.


I don't remember coming upstairs to my bed or changing out of the clothes that I had one.

I looked over to where I had dropped my clothes on the floor and by clothes I mine a shirt. A shirt that is too big to belong to me.


What happened last night.

I remembered falling asleep downstairs on the coach.

And that was it so why was I in his shirt? I can't answer this question but someone who undressed me and dressed me in that knows and I know who it is.

I am going to kill him. I hurried my shower and with a speed I only uses when I am late for a important meeting or something important I was dressed and down the stairs.

As soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs it hit me.


Hey don't judge me. I slowed down and slowly made my way in the direction where the glorious smile was coming from.

Have you ever watched Tom & Jerry when the cat is baiting the rat with food and you see him floating in the air as the smell carries him the direction of where the food is.

Well that what's happening to me right now. I let my nose lead me into my kitchen.

There it was in all its glory. So mouth watering I think I am already drooling over the floor just staring at it. I had to restrain myself from jumping on it and devour it in one go but isn't possible so I will have to take my little time letting my teeth sink in it.

How I would love how it will melt on my tongue to meet my taste buds and then down my throat to satisfied my stomach. I couldn't take. I lost control. I was like a predator who has just cornered it's pray.

I stopped.

Why cause of the shirtless chest that blocked my view of the view. I frown.

"I see you're finally awake. I was just about to come up to get you." The chest spoke.

I ignored it and look behind it and see the food.


I stared wishing it to come to me and in my mouth.

Beacons, eggs, pancakes, toast, fruits, juice.

I could taste them all in my mouth already from where I stand.

I look away and to the chest again wishing it will hurry up and move but it still stand there blocking me from reaching the food.

I crossed my arm across my chest and glared at the chest and then look up to the owner.


Leave it to him to always spoil things for me.

"Yeah yeah can you move now?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "I thought you liked staring at my chest."

"I was I didn't notice." I said bored.

"It's hard not to notice when you have been staring at it for the past ten minutes and you even have drool all over your face."

"Huh?" I was distracted by the food again.

My sister's fiance Book 1 [complete]Where stories live. Discover now