Chapter 1

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Blooms POV

I skipped over to my closet and picked out a light pink skirt and a red tank top. With white legging. I grabbed my flats and ran downstairs.

"Morning Mama, Daddy!" I yelled as Brad and Breaks came out with smiles. Bailey came out with a light blue dress and a short white jacket.

"Morning Bloom." My mama said.

You guys may know my parents as Ppgz and Rrbz. Well we are training to be the new team. Yeah were called Power Kids 101.

Brad and Breaks thought of that. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Bailey and Brad. Breaks sat across from me and smirk. I gulped and look at Bailey.

"Breaks!" Aunt Buttercup yelled. Now he done it.

"Hey, Mom." He said like he hasnt done anything.

"Your so grounded!"

"Auntie! I did it to!" Brad said as he smirk. Then daddy came over with Uncle Butch.

"Come on baby." Unlce Butch said.

"Gross!" All of us kids said. They laughed and Auntie Bubbles and Uncle Boomer came out. They work at the Middle School, so they are taking us to school.

"Come on Power Kids 101!" My daddy yelled. We all grabbed our bags. I ran over to my Mama and she braided my hair and put her old bow in there.

I grabbed my pink bag and walked to the car with Bailey. We climbed in our seats.

"Brad! What did you do." I hissed at him as Uncle Boomer drove us to school.

"Just kinda played with Fire." He said as he made a fireball with his fist. He chuckled and I punched him on the arm. He rubbed his arm and rolled his eyes.

Brads POV

Yo, its Brad. Well im Blossom and Brick son. I have a twin, Bloom. I have red eyes like my dad. I have freckles like my mom. I have shaggy  red/orange hair like both parents.  Unlike my dad who wears a backwards baseball hat, I wear a beanie.

We live in the lab, but Grandpa Prosfesser passed. My best bro is Breaks. You know how everyone has a enemy well mine is Lucas.

Well him and his sister Leah, hates me and Bloom. London hates Bailey and Lee hates Breaks. Lucas is the leader and Breaks and I is leader of ours.

I have fire and ice powers like my sister. Breaks is really strong and will protect my sister and Bailey. Bailey has a bubbles wand that shoots out poison to kept the body still for a while. Of course they hate it when we do protect them.

We pulled up at the school. We walled to the Office and grabbed our paperwork.

"Ok,  guys stick together." Uncle Boomer said as Bailey hugged him.

"Got it!" We all said and Bubbles kissed Bailey and Bloom on the cheek. She hugged us boys and walked down to her classroom with Uncle Boomer.

"Alright Huddle!" Breaks said as we all formed circle. We pulled out our paperwork and saw Bloom has one class without us and everyone esle has same.

"What?" Bloom said.

"How is that possible?" Bailey asked.

"Atleast its last period. When the bell rings then you run to the lockers." Breaks said as she nodded.

"Alright our lockers are near each other." I said.

"Lets go." Bailey said.

Baileys POV

We all walked well, I skipped as my cousin Breaks and Brad scanned the area. I have blonde hair like my mommy and daddy. I put my hair pigtails like my Mommy but their pointy on the ends like Daddys.

I have a mix of dark blue and baby blue eyes. My skin is paler than the rest of the group. I saw locker 127 and walked up to it.

I unlocked and saw it was empty. It had a shelf on top, and blue inside.

"Duck!" Breaks and Brad yelled at me and Bloom. We duck and saw a lighting bolt hit the locker. We looked up and saw the Trouble Pack.

Breaks POV

I glared at Lee and looked back at my little Cousins. They nodded and we all got into fighting postion.

"Well well." Lucas said as his eyes flickered over to Bloom. Brad glared at him and put Bloom behind him. I grabbed Bailey and put her behind me.

"Its the Power Kids 101." Leah micked my voice.

"Well its the Trouble Pack." I micked Lucas voice. Leah glared and threw a lighting bolt at me.

"Go!" I yelled and we all doged.

"Breaks 101!" I yelled and transformed in a dark green suit with my double hammers on my sides of my pants loopholes.

"Brad 101!" Brad yelled and his was the same but red and he had a fire sword and ice sword.

"Bloom 101!" Bloom yelled same but in pink and a skirt with bows. That was fire and ice.

"Bailey 101!" Bailey yelled same as Blooms but in baby blue and a spear with bubbles around it.

"Troubles go!" Lucas yelled.

"Lucas!" Lucas yelled and he was in blood red suit with a black cape and two water guns that shoot acid.

"Leah!" Leah yelled as she a purple skirt and back cape with lighting daggers.

"Lee!" Lee yelled and was yellow same outfit as Lucas but had drumsticks that shoot pieces of earth.

"London!" London yelled as she change same outfit as Leah but white and black cape. She had her hands that shoot lava.

We all faced agasiht our enemys.

Bloom and Leah.

Brad and Lucas.

Bailey and London.

Me and Lee.

We all flung each other wepeans at each other. We dodge and hit each other once.

"Power Kids 101!" Uncle Boomer yelled. We all flinched and looked at him.

"Car now." He pointed to us. "Class now!" He pointed to Troubles.

"Yes sir." Lucas said as he winked at Bloom. Brad cletch his fist and grabbed Bloom and  stomped to the car. Lee winked at Bailey and she sightly turned pink. Since she doesnt have big bro. I glared at Lee and grabbed Bailey, not hard and lead her to the car.

"What do we do now?" The girls asked together.

"I really dont know." I said honsety.

Heyyo yall,

So what do yall think? Do you like Power Kids 101 or Trouble Pack? Do you think I should kept writing this?

What do yall think of Breaks and Brad or Bloom and Bailey? And Hayden will be in this book. Hes 17 in here but the others kids are 15.

Thanks yall.

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