Chapter 7

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A month had passed since Kiara had eaten lunch with Bon's group, and since then she gradually became a part of their group and hung out with them from time to time. Having a group like them was nice, she's never actually had friends that she could hang out with before.

Speaking of the group, she spotted them just up ahead, heading to the cram classroom. Picking up speed, she ran towards them, "Hey guys!" She called.

"Oh, Kiara, hey." Konekomaru said, tuning around and looking at her with a small smile.

"You ready to get our test scores back?" Shima asked. "I know I failed mine."

Kiara flicked Shima on the forehead. "Don't doubt yourself, moron."

"Hey! I think you're becoming too much like Bon." Shima said, rubbing his forehead.

"We'd stop it if you would stop being an idiot." Bon said.

"Well I can't help that now can I?" Shima pouted.

Kiara let out a small laugh, "So I guess that we won't stop, then."

"Koneko, please back me up here."

"Sorry Shima, but you're on your own here." Konekomaru said with amusement.

Shima slumped over, "You guys are so mean."

Kiara patted him on the shoulder, a grin on her face, "And you're an idiot, now let's get to class."


"Listen up. Summer Vacation is less than a month and a half away." Yukio started once he got to the front of the classroom. "But before break, you're going to be taking this years Exwire authorization exams." He held up a stack of papers, "I want everyone to keep in mind that once you're promoted to Exwire, you'll be subjected to a more specialized combat training. The exam won't be easy to pass, therefore, starting Monday, we're offering a week long bootcamp to prepare for the exam."

"A bootcamp? Sounds like fun." Kiara muttered as she watched Yukio hand out the papers he had

"Since attending this camp isn't mandatory, indicate whether or not you'll be participating on the form. If you are, please indicate the Meister, or title that you'd like to acquire. You must turn the form in by Monday."

Kiara looked down at the paper that Yukio had handed her, reading over it. If she was being honest with herself she had no clue what Meister she wanted to go into. If she somehow got a gun, maybe she could go for Dragoon. Then again being a Knight would be easiest to become, they just fought with swords and melee weapons.

"Hey," Rin's voice broke Kiara out of her thoughts and she looked up to see that he was standing next to Bon's table. "Could you tell me what a Miester is?"

"Huh?" Bon grunted.

"Eh, come on, help me out here. Please."

"Give me a break, you want to be an exorcist but you don't know what that is? Seriously what's with you?"

Shima chuckled, "You really are totally clueless, aren't you Okumura?"

"Someone should of stayed awake during class." Kiara teased, moving so that she was sitting on top of her table instead of in her seat.

Rin flinched slightly at what Kiara said, but recovered quickly, "Fine, I don't have a clue, so are you gonna tell me or not?"

"I'll tell you." Konekoaru said, getting the attention on him. "It's a technical qualification that's required to become an exorcist. It's a title given to those who prove they've got great skills. There are five Meisters in all. Knight, Dragoon, Tamer, Aria, and Doctor. As long as you've acquired at least one of those, you can become an exorcist."

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